Versions Compared


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  1. Open the tab "Dimensions". You can specify the name of dimension table(s) in the field "Table Name for model …".
  2. Enter the names for both models:
    "DM2D_VOLTST" for model 1 and "DM2D_SHCKTST" for model 2:

    Please note: The name of Dimension table must begin from 'DM2D_' (this prefix will be added if you enter the name without 'DM2D_') and the length of the name (without 'DM2D_' prefix) should be <= 20 symbols.
  3. Open again the tab "Structure" and tick the Key fields for every Model.
    For example, tick the fields as key CompositeType and Id for the Model TopLevelVolatilityRows:

    And tick the fields as key Currency and Id for the Model TopLevelBsaParallelShockRows:
  4. Click "Publish" for uploading this vendor and feed to current region.
    Example of Profile which will be published on the region:

    Code Block

    Rows and attributes in profile -
    DELIVERYFORMAT is the format of data file, for CSV the DELIMITER is specified (for now the XML files is converted to CSV with PIPE delimiter)
    MODEL_NAME in the name of structure. This is the concatenation of Vendor name + '' + Feedname + '' + name of Model node.
    Please note: the Model Name will be transferred to the upper case.
    TABLE_NAME is the name of Dimension table. If the name is not specified, the dimension table will not be created.
    Please note: the Table Name will be transferred to the upper case.
    KEY_FIELDS is the list of keys for Dimension table. If null, the dimension table will not be created.
    For TYPE = 'COLUMN'
    Every row describes one simple column.
    Attributes for TYPE = 'COLUMN'
    NAME – name of column
    DATATYPE – type of column: CHAR, NUMBER, DATE or type of node: MAINMODEL (root node), MODEL (model node), RECORD (record node)
    DATAFORMAT – format for DATE columns: for example, 'YYYYMMDD'
    VIEWIDX – View Index, for a future functionality using creating DB View. This is a number of fields in the sequence of fields in the extract from DB View (created by Data Load process, for example, column 'RUNDATE' is first, 'REPLYFILENAME' is second, etc. in a extract). A View will be created only if VIEWIDX will not be null for one or more columns. If all columns will not contain VIEWIDX, a DB view will not be created.
    This functionality is not added to the Process for now, please note. This will be added in a future. Also please note: the View Indexes are assigned automatically for now.
    NODETYPE – shows is the columns a child XSD node or an XSD attribute
    XPATH – Xpath for XSD node / arrtibute

  5. If the profiles are correct, click "Publish" in bottom area. Both profiles will be saved to the APP directory /dynamic/msgcenter/profile/inbound/.
    The name of profile is Vendor name + '' + Feed name + '' + Model name or alias (if alias specified, it will be used instead of name of model). For example, for this data file the file will be saved as 'TESTVENDOR_TESTXML_TopLevelVolatilityRows.txt'.


  1. Click on "Publish" button:
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    There are displaying all files which will be published into region. You can uncheck any files if those files don't need to publish.
  2. Also you can select some file in the publish tree and look at the its content:
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  3. After all files will be selected, we need to click on "Publish" button in this window and at the publishing we can see how it doing in the pop up dialog.
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