Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  1. Click the Results tab.

  2. Select the report from either the Most Recent or the Report Type folder, such as position or single period.
    In the Results Explorer window, you will see either the Report failed icon, or Report succeeded icon next to the report name.

  3. If the report failed, double-click the report name for more information.
    You will see a failed report message.

    Failed Report MessageImage RemovedFailed Report MessageImage Added

Results Toolbar Quick Reference

You can use the Results toolbar to modify and customize reports. The Results toolbar appears at the bottom of an open Eagle PACE report. Some options or icons are only available when you select a column or cell. The icons are described in the following sections.


Results Toolbar

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Expands or collapses the report to a specific level or all existing levels.

The number of report levels are displayed in the Explode dialog box. Select a level. Level 1 is the highest level, referred to as the Total level. The lowest level is the Security Level.

To collapse levels, click Explode, enter the number of levels to collapse the report to, such as two and select OK. The report collapses to two levels.

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Prints a report.

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Page Setup

Customizes the page layout before you print the report. You can select printer orientation, scale the document, set margins and configure headers and footers.

On the Header/Footer tab, you set the font size, style and text of the header and footer of the printed report. You can modify these settings by changing the text in the Header and Footer fields.

On the Margins tab, setthe non-printing top, bottom, left and right margins, specified in inches and orient the pages either horizontally or vertically.

You can also choose to print only in black and white, include row headings or column headings in the printed report. You can also scale the printed report, by fitting the report in a specified number of pages in width and height, along with a scaling percentage between 10 and 400 percent

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Saves the report to a specific location.

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Finds an item in the document. You can search based on columns or grouping.

Levels that are not expanded are not searched. To search the entire report, click Explode to completely expand the report. When a match is located, the report automatically scrolls to that entry and highlights the field. Click Find Next to search again.

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Reset Report Attributes

Resets report formatting to the original format, before you made any changes.

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Submits the report from the Results dialog box

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Submit with Override

Submits the report with temporary changes to the report design.

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Attach Public Notes

Post notes everyone can access.

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Attach Issuer Notes

Post Public Issuer Notes and attachments.

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Attach Private Notes

Post notes that only the user who added them can access.

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Start a new report and launch the workspace.

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Edits the report, report rule or profile. Depending on if you are using Build Report mode or Build Component mode, the workspace or Profile Wizard opens.

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Copies the selected results. You can then paste the results into another application, such as Excel.

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Reorders or shows and hides specific columns. Columns listed top to bottom in the Visible Columns field appear from left to right in the report and are currently displayed in the report.

To change the order of the columns in the report, select the name of the column to move and click Up to move a column to the left, or Down to move a column to the right.

To hide a column, click an arrow to move the column from the Selected Fields category to the Available Fields category.

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Specifies the font type, style, size, color and effect of the selected data.

You can change fonts in individual columns. Click anywhere in the column that contains the font you want to modify. Only one font may be applied per column. If a column contains more than one font, all fonts change to the new style.

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Number Formats

Defines custom number formats of numerical fields. This option is only available when a number cell is selected.

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Column Heading

Changes the Column Heading Name. For example, change Sum of Market Value Heading to Market Value.

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Align Left

Left aligns column data.

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Align Center

Center aligns column data.

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Align Right

Right aligns column data.

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Show Row Numbers

Click Show Row Numbers on the lower toolbar in the PACE Report viewer to display the row numbers to the left of the dialog box. This makes searching report results easier, and allows you to quickly get a row count.

Click Show Row Numbers again to hide the row number column.

You can also access Show Row Numbers on the right-click menu in the Report Viewer. If the Row Numbers feature is active, the menu item, Hide Row Numbers appears.

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Compares columns that are not adjacent. To lock a column, select the column and click Lock. All columns to the left of the right-most column selected are locked.

Lock works with the Unlock function. When columns are locked, Lock is replaced on the Results toolbar by Unlock.

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Unlocks any locked columns. When columns are unlocked, Lock appears on the Results toolbar.

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Save Formatting Attributes

Saves any attribute changes. You can save formatting changes automatically by selecting Save my Report attributes always from the Results tab in the Configure windows.

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Create Advanced Report

Opens the Advanced Report Designer. For more information about Advanced Reports, see the Eagle PACE Advanced Reporting User Guide.

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Show Entity Information

Displays information on entities selected for the report.

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Send to Excel

Exports the report to Excel. When selected, the entire report opens in Excel.

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Sends the report as an email. To add recipients to the list, click My Contacts or Other Contacts. Selecting My Contacts displays addresses from your messaging software. Other Contacts allows you to specify an email address. In the Send Format section, click the button next to a format. Click OK.

Icons – Results Toolbar

View Report Results

To view a successfully completed report, double-click it or select the View button from the Reporting Toolbar.


Example Report ResultsWhen you first open a report, only the top levels are displayed. If you used multiple grouping or classification rules, additional levels are displayed. Additional levels are indicated by plus signs (+) to the left of the description. To view additional levels, double-click the plus sign next to the entity for which you want more details. Drilling down displays the data available in all columns of the report. Each time you double-click, you drill down one level. A minus sign (-) to the left of the description means that level is expanded.

Large reports display the message displayed below when exploding results, so you can cancel the process.



Reports Tab

You can enable or disable report types. If you do not have to create certain types of reports, you can disable them so they are not listed. You must logout and log back in for the change to take effect.


System Configuration Dialog Box - Reports Tab


Refer to the following table for a description of the options on the Reports tab:



Report types I want to work with

Allows you to select the report types that you want displayed in the Reports and Results tabs. Select or deselect the check boxes to add or remove them from the Reports Explorer.

Show available and selected Entities/Clients while working with profiles

Allows you to view only the entities or clients you have already selected, or view both the available and the selected entities or clients. This option is not selected by default.

Do not retain the state between the Reports and Results tab

Maintains the same folder as active when you are in a specific folder in the Reports tab and then switch to the Results tab. If you select this check box, the Most Recent folder is highlighted. This option is deselected by default..

Validate my Source Rule while saving the report on updates

Checks a report rule to make sure a source is selected for each field type, excluding fields that do not require a source. If you edit a report or report rule that has custom fields, or fields with multiple sources, the next time you open the report or report rule, you must select the sources.

While building a Report, submit the Report by default on finish

Allows you to submit the report by default when it finished. The default is set to Yes, please submit the report now.

While building a Package, submit the Package by default on finish

Sets the submit item on the Package, if it is submitted or saved.

Use Default fields while building my Report Rule and Field Rule

Adds field attributes to the default reporting components for each report type. Default fields settings are specific to each user and cannot be transferred. When you click the Defaults fields link, the Define Default Fields dialog box appears. Complete the following fields on the dialog box:

Report Types. Select a report type.

Default Fields. Select the drop down arrow under Field Name or Field Type. A dialog box appears, containing a list of fields you can include. Select the checkbox next to the fields you want to include and click Done.

To remove a selected field from the Define Default Fields list, right‑click the field attribute name and select Clear this Field. To remove all default fields, right‑click a selected field attribute and select Clear all Fields. Click OK to save the default field settings.


Results Tab

You set parameters for viewing report results on the Results tab in the System Configuration dialog box.


Refer to the following table for a description of the options on the Results tab:



Available Result tabs

Select the results tab from this column that you want to display when viewing report results. Highlight the column and click the right arrow key. The tab is moved into the Selected Result tabs column. You can change the display order of the tabs by selecting a tab in the Selected Result as column, and dragging and dropping it to a new location in the list.

Allow Issuer Attachments

Determines if you can add Issuer notes from the Results Toolbar.

Notify me when report results arrive

Displays an announcement when report results are complete.

Save my Report attributes always

Saves formatting changes automatically. If you do not select this option, use Save Attributes from the Results Toolbar to save your changes.

Show ‘Save as options’ screen on choosing ‘Export to Excel’ always

Displays the Save as optionsdialog box when you click the Export to Excel icon on the Report Results toolbar. This allows you to select another format in which to save the report. If you do not select this option, the report is saved in an Excel format by default.

Lock the first “xx” tabs in the Result viewer

Specifies how many tabs to lock in place when viewing a completed report. Use the Selected Result tabs section to customize the order of the Dashboard tabs.

Auto wrap column headings

Automatically wraps column headings to the next line. If you do not select this option, you cannot set the width of the column to narrower than the heading.

Custom Pagination options in the Report Result Viewer

Enables paging in the Report Results tab. Paging allows you to retrieve and process reporting windows more quickly. Select the Cache settings to set the number of pages of results to retain in memory. Enter a value between 3—100. Select the Rows per page settings to set the number of rows to cache per page. Enter a value between 50—2000.

Multiple Results Settings

Complete the following options in this section of the Results tab:

  • Opens a maximum of XX results simultaneously. Determines the number of reports you want opened at once.

  • Select all Report Results when asked to tile. All selected report results are displayed when tiled. If you do not select this option, the Tile Results dialog box is displayed when you select Tile.

  • Tile Report Results. You can tile results horizontally or vertically.

Setup my Results purge options.

Determines schedules when reports are purged. You can purge daily, weekly, monthly, at log on, or at a specific time interval. You can also apply the purge to unread, read or failed results, or purge used reports on demand.

Choose the report types you want to purge in the navigation tree on the left. Enable or disable the purge options you want to use and click OK. Click Purge Now to manually purge used reports.

Use this option to improve the speed of the results tab viewer and make opening large report result sets more manageable.

Set my Portfolio Look Through options

Establishes links between a security and the entity that security may represent if the security is a securitzed fund. For example, suppose a fund invests in a Mutual Fund and that the Mutual Fund also has its holdings stored in PACE. You can establish a link between the “security” that represents the holding in the Mutual Fund and the individual security positions in the Mutual Fund. See the PACE Metadata User Guide for more information.

Default Settings

Restores Eagle’s the Eagle recommended settings.

Options – Results Tab

View Reports Side by Side

Select the Compare Side by Side checkbox in the Tile Results dialog box to compare two reports side by side and scroll the reports together for easy reconciliation. When you select the Compare Side by Side checkbox, report results are displayed as shown below.


Comparing Reports Side by Side


To view multiple report results, open a report result, select Explore to return to the Results Explorer window, and open another report result. Multiple report names are displayed at the top of the results window. The tab representing the displayed report is white, and the tabs representing the other open results are blue.


Multiple Report Results TabsWhen multiple reports are open, the Tile button and the Restore button appear on the Reporting toolbar. Click the Tile button to tile report results. Use the drop‑down list from the Restore menu to restore and display one report result or to Close All open report results.


Once you drill down to the security level, the report tabs become active.


About the Position Cross Reference Tab

The Position Cross Reference tab available at the bottom of the window provides additional information related to the main report results. The entity name value and the entity ID from the Entity table in the Rules database is available for display.


About the Diagnostic Tab

Error and warning messages from the concentration log are displayed on the Diagnostic tab. Any error or warning message that is logged when a report completes successfully appears here. Examples include missing foreign exchange conversion rates and missing entities. If the report fails to complete successfully, no messages are posted on the Diagnostic tab.


Diagnostic Tab Warning Messages
