Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  1. Click the Results tab.

  2. Select the report from either the Most Recent or the Report Type folder, such as position or single period.
    In the Results Explorer window, you will see either the Report failed icon, or Report succeeded icon next to the report name.

  3. If the report failed, double-click the report name for more information.
    You will see a failed report message.

    Failed Report MessageImage RemovedFailed Report MessageImage Added

Results Toolbar Quick Reference


Error and warning messages from the concentration log are displayed on the Diagnostic tab. Any error or warning message that is logged when a report completes successfully appears here. Examples include missing foreign exchange conversion rates and missing entities. If the report fails to complete successfully, no messages are posted on the Diagnostic tab.Diagnostic Tab Warning Messages


Work With Results

Attach URLs to Securities

You can attach URLs as shortcuts to securities.


Access Report Rules and Source Rules

In the Report Results viewer, you can edit the source rule and report rule of the report currently being viewed, and create new source and report rules. You can also maintain existing field rules and report profiles.


PACE Report Result Viewer - Compose and Edit Toolbar Items


The Edit menu on the Report Result viewer includes the Edit Field Rule and Edit Source Rule options. Use these menu items to modify the components in the report that is currently open.


The Compose menu on the Report Result viewer includes the Create Field Rule and Create Source Rule options. Use these options to create components in the Report Studio.


Compose MenuToolbar menu items are subject to the appropriate User Security settings. For example, if you do not have the ability to create source rules, the menu item is not available.


This option is available as an icon at the bottom of the viewer and as an item on the right-click menu. Select this option to open the Entity Maintenance windows in view mode for the entity contained in the report.


Report Viewer - Show Entity Information Icon


If the report results contain more than one entity, the Show Entity Information feature opens a different window. The window opened depends on if an entity level row was selected in the viewer before the Show Entity window is opened.

If a specific entity was not selected from the viewer, the Show Entity Information option opens the Fund Information dialog box. This dialog box lists all of the entities contained in the report results. To view the details of a specific entity, select the entity and click Info.


Fund Information Dialog BoxIf you select a specific entity in the viewer before selecting the Show Entity Information option, the Viewing Entity window opens, and the entity information for the selected entity appears. You can view entity information, but cannot edit or change it.


To retrieve the .xml files of the report results from the Results tab, right click a report and select Save As XML. This option allows you to retrieve and save .xml files related to the PACE report results locally. This helps with the report distribution process and the report development troubleshooting process.


Save Report Results as XML Files


When you select Save As XML, the Save As dialog box appears. On this dialog box, you can specify the location of the .xml file. You cannot edit the name of the file from this dialog box. Select the Save all levels check box to retrieve all of the associated .xml files. If this checkbox is not selected, only the primary .xml file is retrieved.


Save As Dialog Box - XML Settings


Email Results

You can email PACE reports results directly from the Reports tab viewer. Before you begin this procedure, make sure the report that contains the results you want to send is open.

  1. From the open, completed report, click Send the Report as an email on the lower toolbar.


Selecting Send the Report as an Email

  1. You see the Specify Email Options dialog box.


  1. Specify Email Options Dialog BoxImage Added
  2. Complete the options on the Specify Email Options dialog box as described in the following table, then click OK to send report results as an email.



My Contacts

Opens your local email address book and select the recipients to receive report results.

Other Contacts

Allows you to enter email addresses in Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) format.


Removes previously selected recipient addresses from the Send to section of the Specify Email Options dialog box.

Send Format

Selects the report result format: Standard Comma Separated Values (CSV), Standard Tab Separated Values (TSV), Microsoft Excel (XLS) and Extensible Markup Language (XML) formats. The format you choose is applied to all selected recipients. The PACE report results are sent as an attachment to the email.

Fields – Specify Email Options dialog Box

Click OK to send report results an email.

Because this email distribution feature uses the email process from your machine, you might receive a warning message from your email application.


Export Results to Microsoft Excel

The Export to Excel option opens Microsoft Excel automatically. Large report results are exported quickly to .xls format when using the Open the Report in Excel option in the viewer.


Save As Excel OptionsWhen you select Raw format, the report is exported into Excel in the format of a standard file with no custom options. When the Raw format is selected, results in Excel are fully exploded.


When you select Custom format, you can customize how the data is exported into Excel.



Entire Report

Exports the entire report result set, regardless of what is highlighted or displayed on the dialog box.

Highlighted Portion

Exports only the part of the report result set which is highlighted.

Displayed state

Exports only that part displayed via the explode feature.

Retain indentation

Adds leading spaces for grouping levels and security descriptions in the first column of the exported file to better display the grouping structure.

Retain number format

Retains the format and precision of numeric fields as they are defined in PACE or the PACE viewer.

Retain layout

Retains layout settings made in the viewer, including hidden fields, changes made to column headings, and changes to the ordering of the columns.

Retain alignment

Retains the alignment settings made in the PACE viewer.

Retain font

Retains any font changes applied to the report results in the PACE view.

Export Options

The Options button on the Save As dialog box gives you these export options. Excel is not opened.


The export to Excel process removes any characters from the report profile name that are invalid in Excel, including the characters listed in the following table.following characters:

  • <

  • >

  • [

  • ]

  • semi-colon (:)

  • *

Excel Process – Characters That Will be Removed

There are also The following five characters that are restricted from both PACE Report profile names and Excel file names, as listed in the following table.:

  • \

  • /



  • ?

  • |

Characters That Are Restricted

Export to Excel Analysis Mode
