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SMF MI is not recommended for new implementations or upgrades and is no longer being maintained.   Clients should switch their integration to use GenericSMF and other Reference streams

Smf_mi was mi was designed to load the SMF along with objects related to it. This means that you should use smfuse smf_mi mi when you want to load specific model(s), like Issuer model, Schedule model etc.

Please note, that smf_mi should not be used for volume data load or in processes sensitive to load speed

Issuer Role Model

Batch Mode Specifics

SMF MI supports Issuer Role batch load. In order to turn it on you should have EagleML/referenceTransaction/header/processingOptions/ set to ISSUER_ROLE_GROUPING in the incoming SMF:

Code Block

 This can be turned off by adding a counter-flag DIRECT_ISSUER_ROLE_OPTIONS 

Code Block

which allows to set processing options directly.

Here is the list of available processing options:

  • ISSUER_ROLE_GROUPING - enables batch mode (also enables ISSUE_ROLE_UPSERT_MODE, USE_LATEST_START_DATE by default)
  • ISSUE_ROLE_UPSERT_MODE - prevents the delete step in batch mode
  • USE_LATEST_START_DATE - finds the latest start date in the incoming message and uses it for each incoming record as the start date
  • DIRECT_ISSUER_ROLE_OPTIONS - counter-flag for ISSUER_ROLE_GROUPING, allows to set options directly.
    where in I() you should set Issuer Role types which you want to be loaded in certain mode
    For example, you want to switch off default behavior and load only OWNER roles in UPSERT mode:



Issue Variable Rate Model - Load Details
