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Match class was created to compare string with patterns and file masks.
Here is a Match t-item: ["match", "filename_match",
{"result_is_boolean": false,"dynamic_pattern": false,"pattern_sep": "," ,"pattern_is_file_mask": true}
, ["|filename|"], [":patterns:"], ["stringlength(:patterns(smile):)!=0"]]

  1. result_is_boolean can be set as true or false (true is default value). Allows to setup return value. When parameter is true then returns value can be Y or N value, if it false then match returns the 1st pattern value that was defined in Item 4.
  2. dynamic_pattern can be set as true or false (false is default value). Allows to use calculated pattern in eds interface when it is defined as true. When it is false then as pattern will be use the 1st pattern value.
  3. pattern_sep can be define as char or several chars. Allows to use string as list patterns that is divided by character separator.
  4. pattern_is_file_mask can be set as true or false (false is default value). Allows using file mask special characters in patterns when it is true. If it is false then pattern should be used with regular expression special characters.
  5. Item 3 is a string that has to be compared with pattern.
  6. Item 4 is a string pattern value.
  7. Item 5 is condition for execution.
