Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
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  1. Open IWS and select "Templates" tab in "Open" window. Select "RawService" item and click "OK":


  1. Image Added
    The Raw Service tool is opened.
    Image Added
  2. Select a vendor. You can create a new vendor or choose the existing vendor:


    1. 1 – This is button for creating new Vendor in current region (also you can use the button "Add New" from the ribbon (p.3).
    2. 2 – This is list of existing items (there will show all existing vendors in current region. At this moment it's empty because on current region has not vendors).
    3. 3 – This is ribbon tab with some actions for current vendor:  
      1. Add New - creates new vendor.
      2. Publish– uploads created vendor to current region.
  1. Run – run the Data Load process (after Publish only) from IWS.
  2. Preview – shows profile data for current vendor.

  1. To create a new Vendor, click Add New or New Vendor / Load Sample. Select the "XML" tab:
    1. 1 – is vendor Name (required field).
    2. 2 – is feed Name for this vendor (also required field).
    3. 3 – some description for current vendor and feed.
    4. 4 – is view a common settings, data structure or dimension table settings.
    5. 5 – is section of data format (at this moment, is available CSV and XML format).
    6. 6 – is view a data or a name of file ("Data" shows the settings for data in the file, "File Name specific" shows the settings for parsing the name of file).
    7. 7 – is view of this data ("Sample data" shows the data in grid (parsed by settings). "Raw data" shows the data as simple text format). You can add, remove and change any data in both tabs.
    8. 8– is a button "Load from File" for creating the structure.
    9. 9 – is a grid with data ("Data Preview" tab).
    10. 10 – is a button for creating vendor and feed by set settings.
    11. 11 – is a button for cancel process of creating new vendor.
  2. Save to file the following data with name of file 'XML_test.xml':This XML example contains:- the root node AllDataReport - 2 models – complex nodes: TopLevelVolatilityRows, TopLevelBsaParallelShockRows - records – repeated nodes: TopLevelVolatilityRow, TopLevelBSAParallelShockRow GET CODE INTO CODE BLOCK
  3. Click to "Load from File" and select 'XML_test.xml'. The data will be displayed in the grid: The Models and Records are resolved automatically.
