Versions Compared


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Benchmark TypeCorresponding Custom Index Type Valid ValuesValueResolution
EntityEntity DetailSecurity ConstrainedSecurity Exclusion
Floating AggregateFLTB++

Floating Weight BlendedBLND++


Currency ConversionCONV++




Entity Detail Resolution
Entity Detail Resolution
Entity Detail Resolution

This is a specific logic to resolve the resolves Entity Detail for custom index records which goes thru the following steps:


Resolves underlying/constituent entities associated to


Custom Index Entity. If both values exist on the record, the logic will be the following:

  1. Performs a lookup on the Entity_xreference table in the Rules Database and match the entity cross reference values:
    customBenchmark/entityDetail/entityXrefs/entityXref/xrefAccountId = Xref_Account_ID
    customBenchmark/entityDetail/entityXrefs/entityXref/xrefAccountIdType = Xref_account_ID_Type
    1. If
    a match NOT Found
    1. there is NO match found, it fails the record with the error message: “EntityID is not resolved by XREFs”
    2. If there is a match, the interface has resolved the Detail index record.
  2. If there is no ENTITY DETAIL XREF and ENTITY DETAIL XREF TYPE on the record:
    1. In case there is no customBenchmark/entityDetail/entityId node (ENTITY DETAIL ID) on the record, it will fail with the error message: “EntityID is not resolved by XREFs”.
    2. In case there is a customBenchmark/entityDetail/entityId element (ENTITY DETAIL ID) with a value set, it performs a lookup on the Entity table in the rules database to find a match for the value in the ENTITY DETAIL ID tag


If the incoming value in the customBenchmark/customIndexType (CUSTOM INDEX TYPE) tag = ‘CNST’ and a this value exists in the SECURITY CONSTRAINED tag, then the custom Index has logic to constrain certain security returns.


and is directly used by security resolution logic.

The Logic performs a lookup in the Perf_sec_rollup_relation table in the Perform database.


The logic is the following:

The logic performs a lookup Lookup in the Perf_sec_rollup_relation table in the Perform database is performed.

  1. If no match, it fails the record (batch) with an error message: “Entity and Security Relation not found”
  2. If a match, it populates Security_alias in the Custom_index_attr_detail table with the security_alias value obtained above.
