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This section describes how to use the Maintain Batches function to create, edit, view, copy, delete, and submit batches.


  1. Click Define Approval Dependencies on the Reports tab of the Create New/Edit Batch dialog box.
    You see the Approval Dependencies dialog box.

    Approval Dependencies Dialog Box
  2. Click Fetch Associated to add approvals assigned to the batch directly, or to the clients or entities in the batch.

  3. Click Fetch All. For a client level batch, approvals assigned to the entities owned by the clients contained in the batch are retrieved. For an entity level batch, approvals assigned to the clients that own the entities contained in the batch are retrieved.


  1. Select an Advanced Profile, right-click, and select Edit Advanced Report Profile.
    You see the Advanced Report dialog box.

    Advanced Report Dialog Box

    On this dialog box, you can add entities or clients, date rules, date settings, and distribution settings. You can also submit an Advanced Report Profile. Like other Advanced Report Profiles, most of these settings do not impact Client Reporting, as the batch settings override the Advanced Report Profile level parameters.

  2. Click the Batch Overrides tab.
    You see the Batch Overrides tab.

    Image RemovedImage Added
  3. Right-click and select New Override from the popup menu.
    You see the the Advanced Report Override dialog box.

    Advanced Report Override Dialog BoxImage RemovedAdvanced Report Override Dialog BoxImage Added
  4. Right-click on the Selected Rules pane and select Add from the popup menu.
    You see the Select Advanced Rules dialog box. On this dialog box, you can add an Advanced Report rule as an override in the variation.

    Select Advanced Rules Dialog Box
  5. Click the Advanced Rules and click OK.
    The rules are displayed on the Advanced Report Override dialog box.

  6. Enter a name for the variation in the Name text box.
    Each variation in a single Advanced Profile must have a unique name. However, two separate Advanced Profiles can have variations with the same name. The Comments text box is optional.

  7. Click OK.
    You see the variation you created on the Batch Override tab of the Editing an Advanced Report Profile dialog box.

  8. Click Next.
    You see the Scheduler tab. Complete the options on this tab.

  9. Click Next.
    You see the Reports tab. Complete the options on this tab. Click No if you do not want to submit the report.

  10. Click Finish.
    The Override column on the Reports tab of the Edit Batch dialog box is enabled. See the following section, Create a Batch Override, to apply the override to one or more of the recipients in the batch. Variation data is stored in the ADV_PROFILE_VARIATION table in the PACE_MASTER database.


  1. Click the ellipses button in the Override column.
    You see the Batch Override dialog box. If you do not want the Batch Override dialog box to display contacts of the clients in a client level batch, you can enable the Hide Contacts from Batch Override screen check box on the Configure dialog box.

    Batch Override Summary Dialog BoxImage RemovedBatch Override Summary Dialog BoxImage Added
  2. Apply the variation to the recipients in the batch, including entities, clients, or contacts, using the Variation drop down list. Click OK.
    The Override Column on the Edit Batch dialog box displays YES to indicate that there is a batch override.

  3. Click Finish.


The Configure link on the Maintain Batches window displays the Configure dialog box. See Figure 18: Configure Dialog Box - Maintain Batches Tab.

Maintain Batches Tab

The Maintain Batches tab on the Configure this dialog box allows you to configure settings for the batches you create and edit on the Maintain Batches window.


Configure Dialog Box - Maintain Batches Tab


Complete the options on the Maintain Batches tab as described in the following table.



Use this Custom View

Select a custom view for display, if defined.

Filtering Batches by Type

Filters batches by entity, client, and hybrid batch mode.

Show Only My Batches

Displays only your batches on the Maintain Batches window.

Group by Categories

Groups batches on the Maintain Batches window by category, such as annual, monthly, or quarterly. Any category that does not contain a batch is hidden. If a batch does not have a category assigned to it the category column displays <unknown>. To set up a code value for the category, see Set Up the Code Values for the List..

Hide Contacts from Batch Override Screen

The Batch Override dialog box is used to override an Advanced Report Profile for one or more recipients in a batch. When you enable the Hide Contacts from Batch Override screen check box, the Batch Override dialog box does not display contacts of the clients contained in a client level batch.

Filter Batches by Update Date

Filters all batches by an update date such as today’s date.

Adhoc Batch submission default to prior month end

The Adhoc Batch submission default to prior month end check box allows you to default the submission of an ad hoc batch to the prior month end date.

See About Defaulting Ad Hoc Batch Submissions”Submissions for details on this feature.

Page size

Specifies how many items you want to display per page.

Change Visual Settings for this View

Saves any filter settings that you changed. If you do not select this option, changes you make to filters will not be saved when you next log in.

Table 7: Options - Configure Dialog Box - Maintain Batches Tab

Set up the Code Value for the Category List

To set up a code value for the category list.

  1. Click Create New Batch or Edit Batch.
    You see the Create New Batch or Edit Batch dialog box.

    Create New Batch Dialog Box - Select CategoryImage Added
  2. Select a category from the Category drop down list.


  1. Click Finish to close the Batch dialog box.

  2. Click the Go to another component drop down list on the Maintain Batches window.

  3. Select Maintenance/Codes.

  4. Click the Add Code link.


  1. You see the Codes dialog box


  1. .


Codes Dialog Box


  1. Image Added

  2. Complete the fields on the Codes dialog box and click Add.
    You need to set the Type field to “X” for the code to function properly in the Client Reporting windows.
    Make sure that an Inventory of Fields record is created for the new CATEGORY column in the RULES.DBO.CR_SCHEDULES table.

  3. Click the Go to another component drop down list and select Meta Data/Inventory of Tables/Fields. Select a table to review the inventory of fields.


  1. Additionally, you need to create a field attribute that points to the Category column in the RULES.DBO.CR_SCHEDULES table.


  1. The field attribute should refer to the code you created. See


  1. the Editing Regular Field


  1. dialog box displayed below.


  1. Editing Regular Field Dialog BoxImage Added

General Tab

The General tab on the Configure dialog box has a number of settings that apply to all Client Reporting functions.


The following table describes the options on the General tab.



Use this as a Startup View

Select which window you want to view on start up.

Client Identification

Select the Client ID and Client Display Name check boxes to display the client ID and client name on windows for identification purposes.

Display contacts using this color

Select this link to display contacts in a different color for easy identification

Select an additional Client column

Select additional client related columns to display.

Save most recent settings when closing

Select this check box to automatically save your most recent settings when you log out of Client Reporting.

Enable the diagnostics feature for troubleshooting

Select to access the Diagnostics menu. When you select this check box, the Diagnostics menu appears next to Quick Links. See Use the Diagnostics Options for more information.

Reset All Settings

Click this button to reset your saved preferences, including window filters and sort settings, grid control settings, and default view settings.


and default view settings.

Diagnostics Options for Troubleshooting

If you selected the Enable the Diagnostics Features for troubleshooting option, a Diagnostics menu appears next to Quick Links. The Diagnostics area contains the following options.



Enable Logging

Select to enable application server logging. After you select this option, the View the Log File option becomes available. Select View the Log File to check details of the log.

Common Components Options

Options in this section include Show Application Components & Files, Show System Items & Values, and Show Stored User Preferences & Values.

Application Server Options

Options in this section include Show Configured Servers, Show Connected Server Detail, Disable SQL Logging for this Connection, and View Current Log File.

Data Engine Server Options

Options in this section include Show Configures Servers, Show Event Configuration, and Show Events Configured by Active Server.


Submit an Ad Hoc Batch

The Submit Batch link on the Maintain Batches window allows you to submit the selected batch on an ad hoc basis for the specified report start and end dates. You can also specify a due date, override the batch log level, submit the ad hoc batch as a scheduled event, and run the event as a high priority.

To submit a batch on an ad hoc basis:

  1. Select a batch on the Maintain Batches window.

  2. Click the Submit Batch link. Or right-click and select Submit Batch from the popup menu.
    You see the Submit Batch dialog box.


Submit Batch Dialog Box


  1. Submit Batch Dialog BoxImage Added
  2. Select the Report Start Date check box and specify a value for the Report Start Date and Report End Date. Or use the default Report Start Date. The Report Start Date check box is designed to support off-period report processing.
    The specified report start/end dates determine which package is submitted. It works with any date rule that is specified in the underlying Advanced Report and Advanced Report Profile to determine the start and end date of the reporting package.

  3. Click the Select a Due Date link.
    You see the Due Date dialog box.


  1. Due Date Dialog BoxImage Added


  1. Specify the date the batch should be completed and click OK.
    You see the Submit Batch dialog box.

  2. Click the Submit the Engine at Log Level check box and select a log level from the drop down list. This option allows you to override the batch log level. A more detailed log is generated without requiring the log level to be changed at the PACE Server level. Or for the PACE Servers to be recycled to generate more detailed logs.
    The log level override value also applies to any Advanced Reporting, Concentration, or Distribution engines submitted by the current instance of the Client Reporting batch engine.

  3. Click the Submit as Scheduled check box. This option allows you to submit the ad hoc batch as a scheduled event. Two edit checks are included in the submission process.


  1. A warning message appears if the batch has already been submitted with the same effective date (report start/end dates)


  1. . You can ignore the warning and submit the batch again with the same date.


  1. You


  1. cannot submit a batch for a future effective date (report start/end dates).


  1. If you attempt this, you will see the warning displayed below. You cannot override this edit check.


  1. Warning Message - Future Effective DateImage Added
  2. Click the Run this event at High Priority link to run the event at a high priority.

  3. Click OK to submit the report for processing.

Default Ad Hoc Batch Submissions

When the Adhoc Batch submission default to prior month end check box on the Configure dialog box is enabled, and the default Report Start Date on the Submit Batch dialog box defaults to the prior calendar month end date.


This setting only affects the default Report Start Date on the Submit Batch dialog box. You can enable the Report Start Date check box and enter a value for the Report Start Date and Report End Date. This feature is designed to support off-period report processing. You can configure Client Reporting to enable the Report Start Date check box by default when you display the Submit Batch dialog box. Refer to “Appendix A: Configuring Configure PACE for Client Reporting.

Process Batch Submissions

When a submitted batch contains a client, the Client Reporting engine determines the entities owned by the selected client and submits the underlying Advanced Report for that entity.


The Pass Client Info check box determines which client relationships are recognized and used by Client Reporting. It controls the clients returned by the underlying concentration reports. When the Pass Client Info check box is enabled in the Advanced Report Rule, the client from the batch is retained. Client fields included in the concentration report only include data from the client submitted in the batch. When the Pass Client Info check box is not enabled, the client in the batch is examined to determine the entities owned by the client. The Advanced Report is then run for these entities, and if the underlying concentration report contains any fields from the CLIENT tables, data is returned for all clients that own the entities.

Print Options Tab

Use the options on the Print Options tab as described in the following table.




Select either Portrait or Landscape


Set the margin.

Print Gridlines

Select this check box to print gridlines.

Print Column Heading

Select to print column headings.

Show Printer Selection Dialog

Select to make the printer selection dialog box visible.


Overview of Distribution Logic


When you create a batch via the Maintain Batches function at the client level, the report packages are run for all of the entities owned by the selected clients. In Figure 30, client Jones owns two accounts, or entities A and B, in PACE. When a batch is run for client Jones, the selected Advanced Report profile is run for both entities A and B, and client Jones receives, assuming valid distribution information, a package of reports containing both entities.


A copy of this package is also delivered to all of client Jone’s contacts. In Figure 30: Client-Level Batch Distribution, the contact type feature in the Client Reporting configuration has been used so that the contact receives a different version of the report package in terms of the reports contained in the package, but the package is still run for all entities owned by client Jones.


Client-Level Batch Distribution

When you create a batch via the Maintain Batches function at the entity level, the report packages are run for each entity separately. If a client owns two entities contained in a batch, that client receives two separate packages via client reporting distribution, each containing one of the entities.
