Versions Compared


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  1. From any Eagle window, click the Eagle Navigator button to access the Eagle Navigator.

  2. Enter Reporting in the Start Search text box.

  3. Click the Reporting Center link to access the Reporting Center component.
    You see the Client Reporting workspace.

  4. Open the Client Reporting folder, and double-click the Administrative folder to see the Client Reporting options.

  5. Double-click Maintain Approvals.
    You see the Maintain Approvals window.

    Maintain Approvals WindowImage RemovedMaintain Approvals WindowImage Added

The Maintain Approvals window displays a number of options for creating and maintaining approvals. Click a link or right-click on an approval and select an option from the popup menu. Right clicking on a column header displays a popup menu with options for sorting columns in ascending/descending order and grouping columns.


  1. Click the Create New Approval link on the Maintain Approvals window.
    You see the Create New Approval dialog box.

    Create New Approval Dialog BoxImage RemovedCreate New Approval Dialog BoxImage Added
  2. Complete the options on the Create New Approval dialog box.








Enter the name of the approval.




Enter a comment about the approval.


Approval Method

Select an approval method:

Approve each.


This Approval is based on


Select the Batches button. This option is selected by default when creating a new approval.




Enter the name of the approval.

Options – The Create New Dialog Box

  1. .

Allow Only Clients to Approve. Select to determine if the approval runs for a client only, or for a client and overridden contacts.

  1. Click the batches and click the Add link.

  2. Click Next.
    The Approval Users tab appears. On this tab, you assign the approval to one or more users or groups. Both users and business groups can edit a given approval. Also, you can assign users from two separate business groups to the same approval and each user can edit the approval.


  1. Create New Approval Dialog Box - Approval Users TabImage Added
  2. Complete the fields on the Approval Users tab as described in the following table.




A list of users or business groups to whom you can assign the approval appears. If you select the Groups button, you can view the users contained in the business group. Select a business group, right click, and select Show Business Group Users from the popup menu. A dialog box appears that displays the Users contained in the selected business group.

Select users or business groups and click the Add link.

Approval Stage

Defines where the approval resides in the workflow.

Before Run. The approval must be approved before the batch is run and imaged through the Advanced Reporting engine in the PACE Server.

After Run. The approval must be approved before the batch results are distributed to a receiving party, such as print vendor, or email recipient.

Post Distribution. The approval must be completed before the batch is considered complete. If there is a third party involved in the distribution process and the approval has run, it needs to be completed before the batch is considered Complete. A pending post distribution approval does not prevent imaging or distribution, but it does prevent a batch from moving to a completed status.

Approval Express

Defines how often the approval update history is refreshed.

Every Run. Update approval history every run. Each time an approval record is created for a submitted batch, the approval must be approved.

Monthly. Update approval history monthly. If an approval record is created for a second time in a month, the approval status history is maintained. An approval with a Monthly expiration that was marked as approved in the initial run would start as approved when the approval record was created for the second time in the same month’s period.

This feature does not apply to batches that are submitted using the Batch Status window.

Comments Required for Rejection

This option allows you to specify, at the individual approval level, that an approval requires comments when its status changes to Rejected.

Refer to Appendix A, “Configuring PACE for Client Reporting” for detail on system settings for required comments.

User Defined Approval

This field is optional. You can enter a Visual Basic project and class that performs specific error checking functions, such as searching for key words in reports or comparing numeric values from one report to another. Through use of this class, you can reduce the amount of time you spend reviewing reports. For example, you can create a class to search for the word “unknown” in reports. Or compare the Total Market Value from one report in the package to another. The Visual Basic project that contains the class (the associated DLL file), must be registered on the PACE server for the error checking functionality to run successfully.

Define Approval Notification List

Defines a list of contacts to be notified when an approval status changes on the Define Notification List dialog box.

Add User. Click to add a contact to the Approval Notification List section.

Notify Upon: Select when to notify the contact of the approval.

Approved. Notifies a contact when the approval is approved.

Rejection. Notifies a contact when the approval is rejected.

Due Date. Notifies a contact when the approval moves past its specified due date.

Approval Due Date

Specifies a due date for the approval, and, if you define an approval notification list, send email notifications to recipients when the approval moves past its specified due date. Client Reporting assigns one of the following status values to an approval that moves past its due date:

Ready. Indicates the current date is earlier than the approval’s due date and there are no preceding dependencies in a pending state.

Delayed. Indicates the current date is later than the approval’s due date and there is at least one preceding dependency in a pending state.

Late. Indicates the current date is later than the approval’s due date and there are no preceding dependencies in a pending state.

You can define the Due Date as either a specific number of days greater than the Batch creation date, or base it on a Date Rule which calculates the Due Date by using the Batch creation date as the reference date.

Notification is also sent when approval status changes to either rejected or approved, depending on what you selected in the notification.


Complete the fields on the Create New Approval dialog box as described in the following table.




Enter the name of the approval.


Enter a comment about the approval.


New Approval Complete the options on the Approval Users tab as described in the following table.



Approval Stage

The approval stage defines where the approval resides in the workflow. Select one of the following options:

Before Run. The approval must be approved before the batch is run and imaged through the Advanced Reporting engine in the PACE Server.

After Run. The approval must be approved before the batch results are distributed to the receiving party, such as a print vendor, or email recipient.

Post Distribution. The approval must be completed before the batch is considered complete. If there is a third party involved in the distribution process and the approval has run, it needs to be completed before the batch is considered Complete. A pending post distribution approval does not prevent imaging or distribution, but it does prevent a batch from moving to a completed status.

Approval Expires

This option defines how often the approval update history is refreshed. Select one of the following options:

Every Run. Update approval history every run. Each time an approval record is created for a submitted batch, the approval must be approved.

Monthly. Update approval history monthly. If an approval record is created for a second time within a month, the approval status history is maintained. An approval with a Monthly expiration that was marked as approved in the initial run would start as approved when the approval record was created for the second time in the same month’s period.

Comment Required for Rejection. Select this check box if, at the individual approval level, an approval requires comments when its status changes to Rejected. Refer to Configure PACE for Client Reporting for details on system settings for required comments.

User Defined Approval

This field is optional. It allows you to enter a Visual Basic project and class that performs specific error checking functions, such as searching for key words within reports or comparing numeric values from one report to another. Through use of this class, you can reduce the amount of time you spend reviewing reports. For example, you can create a class to search for the word “unknown” within reports. Or compare the Total Market Value from one report in the package to another. The Visual Basic project that contains the class (the associated DLL file), must be registered on the PACE server for the error checking functionality to run successfully.

Define Approval Notification List

Defines a list of contacts that should be notified when an approval status changes.

Approval Due Date

Specifies a due date for the approval, and, if you define an approval notification list, sends email notifications to recipients when the approval moves past its specified due date.


The following table describes the options on the Maintain Approvals tab.



Use this Custom View

Select a custom view for display, if defined.

Filter Approvals by Type

This option allows you to filter approvals on the Maintain Approvals window by entity, client, batch, and dynamic batch.

Filter Approvals by Stage

This option allows you to filter approvals on the Maintain Approvals window by stage. The approval stage defines where the approval resides in the workflow.

Filtering Approvals by Expiration

This option allows you to filter approvals on the Maintain Approvals window by approval expiration. The approval expiration defines how often the approval update history is refreshed.

Filtering Approvals by Update Date

This option allows you to filter approvals on the Maintain Approvals window by update date.

Displaying Only My Approvals

This check box allows you to display only your approvals on the Maintain Approvals window.

Displaying Approvals Assigned to Me

This check box allows you to display approvals that are assigned to you on the Maintain Approvals window.

Page Size

From this drop down list, you can specify how many items you want to display per page.


The following table describes the options on the General tab.



Use this as a Startup View

From this drop down, specify which window you want to view on start up.

Client Identification

The Client ID and Client Display Name check boxes allow you to display the client ID and client name on windows for identification purposes. The Display contacts using this color link allows you to display contacts in a different color for easy identification. The Select an additional Client column drop down list allows you to display additional client related columns.

Save Most Recent Settings when Closing

When this check box is selected, your most recent settings are automatically saved when you log out of Client Reporting.

Enable the Troubleshooter/Trace Window

Select this check box to display the Troubleshooter dialog box for troubleshooting assistance.

Resetting All Settings

When this button is selected, your saved preferences, including window filters and sort settings, grid control settings, and default view settings are automatically reset
