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Topics Covered in This Section (add macro)

Work With the Maintain Approvals Window

Create Approvals

Create Entity or Client Level Approvals

Create Criteria Based Approvals

Create Dynamic Approvals

Configure Approvals

This section describes how to use the Client Reporting’s Maintain Approvals function to create and maintain approvals. Approvals are tasks that help you automate the periodic production of client reports. You can create approvals at the entity, client, or batch level.

Approvals are stored in the CR_APPROVAL, CR_APPROVAL_DETAIL, CR_APPROVAL_EMAIL and CR_APPROVAL_LIST tables in the Rules database.

Topics Covered in This Section

Work With the Maintain Approvals Window

Create Approvals

Create Entity or Client Level Approvals

Create Criteria Based Approvals

Create Dynamic Approvals

Configure Approvals

Maintain Approvals Window

To work with the Maintain Approvals window:

  1. From any Eagle window, click the Eagle Navigator button to access the Eagle Navigator.

  2. Enter Reporting in the Start Search text box.

  3. Click the Reporting Center link to access the Reporting Center component. ou
    You see the Client Reporting workspace.

  4. Open the Client Reporting folder, and double-click the Administrative folder to see the Client Reporting options.

  5. Double-click Maintain Approvals.
    You see the Maintain Approvals window.


  1. Maintain Approvals WindowImage Added

The Maintain Approvals window displays a number of options for creating and maintaining approvals. Click a link or right-click on an approval and select an option from the popup menu. Right clicking on a column header displays a popup menu with options for sorting columns in ascending/descending order and grouping columns.

The following table describes the options on the Maintain Approvals window.



Sort Options

To group columns, right-click a column header and select Show in Groups. To determine which columns are available for grouping, right-click a column header and select Sort Multiple Columns. The Sort Multiple Columns dialog box shows which columns are available for grouping. You can also use it to sort multiple groups.

Current Filters

Displays the Filters Maintain Approvals dialog box, which allows you to filter the Maintain Approvals window by approval type, stage, and update date. You can also select the following options:

Show All Approvals. Displays approvals that are accessible to you through your business group.

Show Only My Approvals. Displays approvals you own.

Show Approvals Assigned to Me. Displays approvals assigned to you.

Maintain Approvals Menu

Displays a list of the other Client Reporting functions you can access from this window, such as Batch Status, Batch Status and Control, Custom Distributions, Maintain Batches, Approval Status, and Maintain Views.

Configure Link

Displays the Configure dialog box, which allows you to filter approvals by type, stage, expiration, and update date. You can also display only your approvals, those assigned to you, and control the number of items displayed per page.

Quick Links Menu

The Quick Links menu contains the following options:

Clients. Displays the Clients dialog box, where you can create, edit, and view clients.

Date Rules. Displays a popup where you can find, create, view, edit, copy, and delete date rules for a specified time frame.

Field Attributes. Displays a popup where you can perform actions on field attributes, such as find, create, view, edit, copy, and delete. Actions depend on the set of field attributes you are accessing.

Application Server Log. Displays the PACE Application Server Log dialog box. On this dialog box, you can view, save, and email log files with information about Client Reporting processes.

Refresh Cache. Displays the Refresh Cached Data dialog box, which allows you to refresh the inventory of fields and reference codes for the local client and refresh table joins for the remote server.

Search Menu

You can perform a text search or use the Search menu. To perform a text search, enter the text or string in the Search field, located to the right of the Search menu and click Enter. Client Reporting searches through the information on the Maintain Approvals window for a match. If a match is found, the row is highlighted. To use the Search menu, click the arrow next to the Search link. The Search menu displays the following options:

Search for client approvals. An advanced level search that finds client approvals that meet the specified criteria.

Search for entity approvals. An advanced level search that finds entity approvals that meet the specified criteria.

Search for batch approvals. An advanced level search that finds batch approvals that meet the specified criteria.

Search for clients. A general level search that finds clients that meet the specified criteria.

Search for entities. A general level search that finds entities that meet the specified criteria.

Show Search Window. Displays the standard Windows Find dialog box.

Create New Approval Link

Displays the Create New Approval dialog box. On this dialog box, you define an approval at the entity, client, batch, and dynamic batch levels and assign approvals.

Edit Approval Link

Displays the Edit Approval dialog box. On this dialog box, you modify information for the selected approval. For example, you can add or remove the entities, clients, or batches in an existing approval, create or edit an approval due date, create or edit an approval notification list, and add or remove one or more users and groups assigned to an approval.

View Approval Link

Displays the View Approval dialog box. On this dialog box, you view information for the selected approval.

Copy Approval Link

Displays the Copy Approval dialog box. On this dialog box, you copy the selected approval.

Enter the new name and click OK. The new approval is displayed on the Maintain Approvals window.

Delete Approval Links

To delete an approval, select an approval and click the Delete Approval. Or, right-click, and select Delete Approval from the popup menu. The following confirmation message appears.

Click Yes to delete the specified approvals.

Print Link

Click to display the Print dialog box and print the list of approvals.

Refresh Link

Click to refresh data on the Maintain Approvals window.


Create Approvals

Approvals are tasks that help you automate the periodic production of client statements. You can create approvals at the entity, client, batch, and dynamic batch levels. To create an approval, you first define the approval and then assign the approval to one or more users or business groups, as described in the following procedures.


The Approval record is created. Once the Approval is marked as Approved, the Batch is ready to run.

To create an approval at the batch level:

  1. Click the Create New Approval link on the Maintain Approvals window.


  1. You see the Create New Approval dialog box


  1. .


Create New Approval Dialog Box - Batch Level


  1. Create New Approval Dialog BoxImage Added

  2. Complete the options on the Create New Approval dialog box


  1. .




Enter the name of the approval.


Enter a comment about the approval.

Approval Method

Select an approval method:

Approve each.

Approve any one.

Allow Only Clients to Approve. Select to determine if the approval runs for a client only, or for a client and overridden contacts.

This Approval is based on

Select the Batches button. This option is selected by default when creating a new approval.


Enter the name of the approval.
