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You must specify a corresponding entity inception date field. By default, the inception date of the fund has the value, <default>, defined as the INCEPTION_DATE column in the RULES.ENTITY table. You can use this default value or can perform the check by selecting any other date field from the RULES.ENTITY table. For example, eglEnt-EntityInceptionDate. (This option is available for Performance Link Analysis fields, but is not available for Performance Risk Analysis fields.)

Inception Date Check, Business Calendar Check, and Annualization

The following table describes how the inception date check setting you select interacts with the way you set the Business Calendar Check and the annualization logic you specify for the field.


When you set the inception date check to a value of Check inception date (ON) or a value of Do not check inception date (OFF), the system uses the following logic. This logic varies depending whether you use the INCEPTION_DATE column in the RULES.ENTITY table or you use another date field from the RULES.ENTITY table as the inception date. Note how the system applies the inception date check to a fund's benchmark.

Fund Logic

Check inception date with Default Field


  • If the CUSTOM_FIELD is null, then display return.
  • If the CUSTOM_FIELD lies before field period, then display return.
  • If the CUSTOM_FIELD lies in the middle of the field period, then display return.
  • If the CUSTOM_FIELD lies after field period, then display return.

Benchmark Logic

Use Fund Inception Date check box cleared (Off) in Benchmark's Performance Analysis field
Check inception date with Default Field
