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Monthly returns view is not available for ITD report

 Performance for an Ad Hoc User Defined Period


The Toolkit includes an Entity Range report (eglMFP – Entity) that displays a variety of fund characteristics for a list of funds. This report can be used when you want to review the characteristics of several funds at the same time. If you need to do detailed historical analysis or data maintenance on a fund (one fund at a time), you should use Entity Maintenance.

Periodic Maintenance

Note the following tasks that may need planned periodic maintenance.

Business Calendar

The NAV interface creates non business day records and (optionally) spreads multi day income factors across weekends and holidays. This requires that any calendar associated to a fund (meaning the calendar instance is set as a fund’s MFP Spread Calendar) must be pre-populated with respect to business versus non business days.

A hint follows. On occasion, unforeseen circumstances can lead to unexpected market closings. Recent examples of this include the 9/11 tragedy and the death of former President Ford. In each case, the market was shut down for a day or days that were previously expected to be normal business days. Since you are pre-populating the calendars in advance, you may need to proactively manage your calendars in the event of an unplanned market closing.

Tax Rates

Tax rates only need to be maintained if there is a rate change or a material alteration to what constitutes short versus long term. The Eagle system has a tax rate maintenance facility for creating and modifying tax rate data. This allows you to continue to use the system after a rate change without having to wait for a new release of software.

Entity Maintenance

Over the course of time, characteristics related to a fund can change over time. It is important to maintain the historical progress of a fund’s characteristics. One of the key components as it related to retail performance is a fund’s annual expense ratio. While a fund’s load structure or taxability status may never change, the annual expense ratio changes frequently (approximately once a year). Gross performance and expense adjusted synthetic returns rely on this value, so care must be taken to maintain it on a timely basis.