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Time Deposits

Best Practices Guide

Last Update: 9/19/2012


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A time deposit is a simple investment that most commonly accrues a fixed interest rate payable at maturity. Global nomenclature for time deposits includes Certificates of Deposit (CDs), Guaranteed Investment Certificates and Term Deposits. Time Deposits tend to pay slightly higher interest rates compared to savings accounts, and the common model is to prohibit or discourage withdrawal prior to maturity date by imposing early withdrawal fees. Eagle does not offer specific processing for Time Deposits, but Eagle’s core fixed income functionality can easily be leveraged to handle these simple investments.


Eagle recommends modeling Time Deposits as bonds, which are single security master records. You can select one of two processing security types. If the Time Deposit is considered short-term, DBIBST should be used. If the Time Deposit is considered long-term, DBIBFD should be used. Selecting either processing security type will yield the same cash results, as the earnings process calculates yields, accruals, and amortization in the exact same manner. The main difference in terms of accounting is tax treatment. The two Processing Security Types will also yield different groupings on some reports.

  • Payment Frequency = At Maturity
  • Issue Price = 100
  • 1st Coupon Date = Maturity Date
  • Last Coupon Date = Maturity Date
  • Maturity Price = 100


There are no specific settings for entities trading Time Deposits modeled as bonds. As most time deposits are purchased at par and therefore accrue only interest, no special amortization rules are required. Should the Time Deposit be purchased at a price other than par, Eagle’s core fixed income accounting will amortize the security to par at maturity if the entity utilizes an amortization rule other than NONE.



Once the security reference and entity data is setup, trades can be entered using the Book Trade panel under the Trade tab. Trades will follow core accounting processes. Required fields are listed below.

  • Trade Date
  • Settlement Date
  • Select Values to be Calculated by STAR
  • Par Value/Current Face
  • Price
  • Broker


Time Deposits follow Eagle’s core maturity process. Use the Global > Global Process Center > Expirations > Mature panel.

  • Set Maturity Processing Date equal to Maturity Date of the Time Deposit security
  • To settle the principal and interest cash at maturity, use Global > Settlements > Contract Cash


Once a Time Deposit position has been established it will follow all core Eagle Accounting processes.


Price the Time Deposit security daily with a par-based price. Eagle Accounting calculates the security’s value by using the formula below:

  • Market value = Par Value * Clean Unit Price * Price Multiplier * Quantity Scale)


The STAR to PACE process will create a single position for each Time Deposit security in the position_detail table.


Similar to other instruments, STAR to PACE creates data in position, position_detail, trade, and cash_activity tables.


Time Deposits will appear on all core Eagle reports. The operational reports were specifically designed to support daily workflow. They are used to quickly identify differences and provide the necessary level of detail in order to resolve any discrepancies that may exist. The reports are primarily driven off of Data Management with data updated by the STAR to PACE Direct events. Eagle recommends following current best practices of using these core queries and building custom result profiles that fit your business needs.


The STAR to PACE process moves position, cash activity, and trade data to Data Management. This enables users to take advantage of all of the Data Management OLAP reporting capabilities:


Certain data has to be augmented to accounting data to achieve complete exposure reporting.


The performance toolkit has full functionality to calculate market value based performance for Time Deposits at the contract level. The toolkit process is pre-configured to read data supplied by the STAR to PACE process and calculate performance.

  • Total performance of the Time Deposit Security is calculated
  • Risk analysis and performance attribution analysis features are available to analyze Time Deposit Security performance


Eagle supports loading Time Deposit SMFs and trades through standard Message Center streams. The SMF must be loaded prior to the trade (trades will not automatically spawn SMF records). Refer to the Generic Streams and Data Uploaders Reference Guide for more information. Include PageINSTRUMENTENG:Best Practices End PageINSTRUMENTENG:Best Practices End Page