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If you are defining the query date range for View 3, a single date view, ensure that the begin date and end date are the same. You can use a time range or a single date.

Show Business Days Only

The Show Business Days Only check box determines whether the query only displays returns for dates marked as business days in the Business Calendar applied or if the query shows all committed performance within the query’s date range, including both business and non business days. This option is selected by default, but you can clear it. If the check box is:


  • Use Benchmark History check box is selected and the Process Across Changes check box is cleared, the report’s benchmarks are the assignments as of the end date of the report time range. The Query Tool uses the entity level business calendar for each profile portfolio and benchmark, if available, to provide the business days. Otherwise it uses the Eagle PACE business calendar. The results reflect all the days.
  • Use Benchmark History check box is cleared and the Process Across Changes check box is either selected or cleared, the report uses the current day assignments for the entity and benchmarks. The Query Tool uses the entity level business calendar for each profile portfolio and benchmark, if available, to provide the business days. Otherwise it uses the Eagle PACE business calendar. It displays the combination of these days on the view's results.
  • The query returns results for all days with performance data committed in the selected date range within the given parameters of the report. This process does not use business calendars. It includes business days for both profile entities and benchmarks. You can use this option to help identify scenarios whether returns were committed in error to a particular day.

Use Benchmark History

The Use Benchmark History check box determines whether Performance Analysis fields in the query that report on benchmarks reflect changes in the entity’s benchmark assignments over time. This option is cleared by default, but you can select it. If the check box is:

  • The query reads the benchmark history for the report time period. This enables the query to link data across any benchmark changes during the date range. This behavior, called Processing Across Changes, eliminates the need to maintain a Linked Custom Benchmark to splice benchmark changes across performance history.

Additional setup for entities is needed when you use this approach. If the Process Across Changes check box is selected for that benchmark assignment, then benchmark changes throughout the report’s date range are used for the applicable period in which it was assigned. If the Process Across Changes check box is not selected, then the system uses only the benchmark assignment from the report’s end date for the entire date range. For more information, see “Benchmark Assignment History Support.”

  • (Default) The query uses the current benchmark assigned to the entity and applies only that benchmark’s data to the entire date range of the report regardless of benchmark assignment changes.

All of the default report parameters are required. If you do not specify values for one or more of the report parameters, an error message appears when you click Next. You can grant users the ability to override the defaults via subsequent dialog boxes in the Wizard. Click Next to define access to the query report profile.

Define Access to the Query Report Profile

Step 3 in the Query Tool wizard, Define Profile Access, allows the administrator to grant PACE users or business groups access to the query report profile, as shown in the following figure. Only users granted access are able to view the query report profile when they log into PACE. This step is most like publishing a report profile in the General Reporting area of PACE.

There are two sections on this dialog: Users and Business Groups. In the Users section, you can grant access to all users by selecting the DEFAULT_USER. Or select individual users and entire business groups. Click Next to define access to the report parameters.

Define Access to the Report Parameters

Step 4 of the Query Tool wizard, Define Profile Parameters, allows the administrator to grant PACE users and business groups access to view and edit report parameters.

By default, all users who are granted access to the query report profile have access to view and edit the following report parameters: Entities (select from any funds they have access to) and the Query Date Range.

You can change the default using the following options:

  • Select All. This option allows all users with query report profile access the privilege of viewing and editing all of the report parameters.
  • Clear All. This option removes access to report parameters for all users with query report profile access.

To edit a report parameter for one or all of the users with access to the query report profile, click the ellipsis next to the report parameter. This allows you to assign different privileges to several groups and individuals. You can also remove report parameters that might not be familiar or cause the users confusion. For example, if you do not grant a user access to the source rule, it does not appear for that user.

It is not necessary to grant a user access to the Query Date Range parameter in order for them to specify the time period for an operation. For example, if the Query Date Range is inception-to-date, the user can take a series of monthly returns and create an inception-to-date return and quarterly returns. If the Query Date Range is year-to-date, the user can define the time periods within the year. The Query Date Range parameter defines the overall time period for the data series on which the operations are performed.

You do not have to grant users the ability to view or edit any of the report parameters. The query runs as defined by the defaults every time. After defining access to the report parameters, click Next to define what the user can do with the data once it is returned in the report.

Define Access to Query Operations

Step 5 of the Query Tool wizard, Define Operation Access, allows the administrator to define access to certain operations such as geometric compound rolling and standard deviation. In the previous step, the administrator gave the user access to submit the query report profile with its default settings, which includes the ability to edit the entities and date range of the query. By default, the Query Tool is going to return two time series, one for each of the fields selected, Fund and BR.

The Define Operation Access dialog lets you specify which operations each user can perform on the query results. Specifying this access allows the users to define the operations themselves. The operations do not appear in the result set the first time the query is submitted.

By default, users do not have access to any operations. The Select All option grants access to all of the operations listed to all of the users with access to the report query profile. If you select a check box such as Rolling Operations or Series Derivation Operations, you can grant all users with query report profile access the ability to perform all Rolling or Series Derivation Operations in a single click. Otherwise, you can grant access to any one operation to all users and groups by selecting the check box in the Access column.

By clicking the ellipsis next to any operation, you can allow one or more individuals or business groups access to that operation. In this way, you can give different access to many users and groups in one dialog. Enabling or securing access to the operations is the last step in setting up a new query report profile. Click Finish to create the query and make it visible to all users with access when they log into PACE.