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The Show Business Days Only check box determines whether the query only displays returns for dates marked as business days in the Business Calendar applied or if the query shows all committed performance within the query’s date range, including both business and non business days. This option is selected by default, but you can clear it. If the check box is:

Selected: The query shows results for all business days, even when no performance is committed for those days. This option is selected by default, and provides backwards compatibility. The Query Tool uses the entity level business calendar for the profile portfolio or benchmark, if available, to identify business days. Otherwise it uses the Eagle PACE business calendar.

If the report identifies business days for benchmarks, the Query Tool determines the correct benchmark based on the Use Benchmark History setting in the Query Tool view, and identifies the portfolio's benchmark Process Across Changes setting, as follows. If the:

  • Use Benchmark History check box is selected and the Process Across Changes check box is selected, the report uses the entity level business calendar for each profile portfolio, if available, to provide the business days. Otherwise it uses the Eagle PACE business calendar. In addition, it chooses the historical benchmarks for each time frame within the report period and then chooses the correct business days for each benchmark, using the appropriate entity level business calendar, if available. Otherwise, if no entity level business calendar is available for the benchmark, the Query Tool uses the Eagle PACE business calendar to provide business days for that assignment’s time period. It then combines these historical benchmarks’ business days with the portfolios’ business days for the total range of business days.  Note that for View 3, a single date report; the date shown is the closest business day prior to the report end date, if the report end date is not a business day.
  • Use Benchmark History check box is selected and the Process Across Changes check box is cleared, the report’s benchmarks are the assignments as of the end date of the report time range. The Query Tool uses the entity level business calendar for each profile portfolio and benchmark, if available, to provide the business days. Otherwise it uses the Eagle PACE business calendar. The results reflect all the days.
  • Use Benchmark History check box is cleared and the Process Across Changes check box is either selected or cleared, the report uses the current day assignments for the entity and benchmarks. The Query Tool uses the entity level business calendar for each profile portfolio and benchmark, if available, to provide the business days. Otherwise it uses the Eagle PACE business calendar. It displays the combination of these days on the view's results.

Cleared: The query returns results for all days with performance data committed in the selected date range within the given parameters of the report. This process does not use business calendars. It includes business days for both profile entities and benchmarks. You can use this option to help identify scenarios whether returns were committed in error to a particular day.

The following table describes how the Show Business Days Only check box setting you choose affects your query results for each available Query Tool view.

View Results DisplayShow Business Days Only Check Box Selected (Default)Show Business Days Only Check Box Cleared
1Multiple dates

Displays all business dates in date range.

For dates with no performance, displays a blank row.

Displays all dates with performance in date range, including business days and non business days.

For dates with no performance, returns no results.
2Multiple dates

Displays all business dates in date range.

For dates with no performance, displays a blank column.

Displays all dates with performance for all entities in date range, including business days and non business days.

For entities with no performance on a date, displays a blank.
3One date

If you define View 3, a single date view, and define the query date range with a:

  • Single date, the Query Tool checks each portfolio and benchmark to determine if the single date occurs on any of the entity level business calendars, if available, associated with the portfolios or benchmarks. Otherwise it uses the Eagle PACE business calendar. It the single date is present on any of the business calendars, the report shows a row for any data from that effective date. If the single date is not a business date, the report displays an error.
  • Date range, the Query Tool checks each portfolio and benchmark to determine if the end date of the date range occurs on any of the entity level business calendars, if available, associated with the portfolios or benchmarks. Otherwise, it uses the Eagle PACE business calendar. If the end date of the date range is not present on any business calendars, the report goes backwards one day (or one month, if you use that frequency) at a time until it finds a business day in any of the relevant business calendars. It displays that effective date in the view results.

Displays one date.

If the end date of the query’s date range has performance, displays results for that day.

If the end date of the query’s date range has no performance, displays a blank row for that day.
4Multiple dates

Displays all business dates in date range.

For dates with no performance, displays a blank row.

Displays all dates with performance in date range, including business days and non business days.

For dates with no performance, returns no results.

Use Benchmark History

The Use Benchmark History check box determines whether Performance Analysis fields in the query that report on benchmarks reflect changes in the entity’s benchmark assignments over time. This option is cleared by default, but you can select it. If the check box is:
