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By default, the query returns the fields requested from the fund inception date to the current date. You can accept or override this default. You can override the default dates in several ways. The following table describes the options in the Date Range Selection dialog box.

Option Description
Begin Date Options
Offset from End Date

Determines the begin date based on a specified number of periods calculated back from the end date. You can enter a number value and select one of the following options:

  • The Query Tool retrieves the profile entities' and benchmarks' specific entity level business calendar source, if available. Otherwise, it uses the Eagle PACE business calendar. It determines the correct benchmark based on the Use Benchmark History setting in the Query Tool view, along with the portfolio's benchmark Process Across Changes setting. It then goes back the number of days or months depending on the report's frequency based on the business calendar business days or month ends. It uses the earliest effective date of that set of observations as the report’s begin date.
  • The Query Tool retrieves the profile entities' and benchmarks' specific entity level business calendar source, if available. Otherwise, it uses the Eagle PACE business calendar. It determines the correct benchmark while applying the Use Benchmark History setting and the portfolio's Process Across Changes setting. The profile then goes back the requested business days in each business calendar to arrive at the earliest begin effective date.
  • The Query Tool retrieves the profile entities' and benchmarks' specific entity level business calendar source. Otherwise, it uses the Eagle PACE business calendar. It determines the correct benchmark while applying the Use Benchmark History setting and the portfolio's Process Across Changes setting. The profile then goes back the requested month ends on each business calendar to arrive at the earliest begin effective date.
  • The Query Tool retrieves the profile entities' and benchmarks' specific entity level business calendar source. Otherwise, it uses the Eagle PACE business calendar. It determines the correct benchmark while applying the Use Benchmark History setting and the portfolio's Process Across Changes setting. The profile then goes back the requested quarter ends on each business calendar to arrive at the earliest begin effective date.
  • The Query Tool retrieves the profile entities' and benchmarks' specific entity level business calendar source. Otherwise, it uses the Eagle PACE business calendar. It determines the correct benchmark while applying the Use Benchmark History setting and the portfolio's Process Across Changes setting. The profile then goes back the requested year ends on each business calendar to arrive at the earliest begin effective date.
Begin DateDetermines the begin date based on the specified date.
Predefined Date

Determines the begin date based on a predefined date that uses a Range Type and a specified entity date field. Range Type options include:

  • Inception to Date. If the report includes only Performance Analysis fields for the fund, the Query Tool uses the earliest fund inception date.

However, if the report includes benchmark Performance Analysis fields, the Query Tool determines the correct benchmark based on the Use Benchmark History setting in the Query Tool view, and identifies the portfolio's benchmark Process Across Changes setting to determine the inception date, as follows. If the:

  • Use Benchmark History check box is selected and the Process Across Changes check box is selected, the report uses the earliest fund inception date as the report’s begin date.
  • Use Benchmark History check box is selected and the Process Across Changes check box is cleared, the report identifies the earliest fund inception date and the report end date benchmark’s inception date. It uses the earliest date as the report’s begin date.
  • Use Benchmark History check box is cleared and the Process Across Changes check box is either selected or cleared, the report identifies the earliest fund inception date and the current date benchmark’s inception date. It uses the earliest date as the report’s begin date.
  • Fiscal Year to Date. The Query Tool uses the entity level business calendars for each portfolio and benchmark for the previous fiscal year end. It uses the earliest effective date as the report's begin date.
  • Year to Date. The Query Tool uses the entity level business calendars for each portfolio and benchmark for the previous year end. It uses the earliest effective date as the report's begin date.
  • Quarter to Date. The Query Tool uses the entity level business calendars for each portfolio and benchmark for the previous quarter end. It uses the earliest effective date as the report's begin date.
  • Month to Date. The Query Tool uses the entity level business calendars for each portfolio and benchmark for the previous month end. It uses the earliest effective date as the report's begin date.
End Date Options
Date RuleDetermines the end date based on the specified Date Rule.
End DateDetermines the end date based on the specified date.
Entity Termination DateDetermines the end date based on the specified entity termination date field.

Remember that this range defines the outer limits of the query and provides all the raw data required for subsequent operations, such as linking. For example, if you are always going to want the last 12, 6, and 3 months of returns linked, the Query Date Range needs to encompass the 12-month period and the individual operations define each of the linking subperiods. Note the Query Tool is designed for quick analysis. It is not designed to handle large volumes.

If you are defining the query date range for View 3, a single date view, ensure that the begin date and end date are the same. You can use a time range or a single date.

Show Business Days Only

The Show Business Days Only check box determines whether the query only displays returns for dates marked as business days in the Business Calendar applied or if the query shows all committed performance within the query’s date range, including both business and non business days. This option is selected by default, but you can clear it. If the check box is:

  • The query shows results for all business days, even when no performance is committed for those days. This option is selected by default, and provides backwards compatibility. The Query Tool uses the entity level business calendar for the profile portfolio or benchmark, if available, to identify business days. Otherwise it uses the Eagle PACE business calendar.

If the report identifies business days for benchmarks, the Query Tool determines the correct benchmark based on the Use Benchmark History setting in the Query Tool view, and identifies the portfolio's benchmark Process Across Changes setting, as follows. If the:

  • Use Benchmark History check box is selected and the Process Across Changes check box is selected, the report uses the entity level business calendar for each profile portfolio, if available, to provide the business days. Otherwise it uses the Eagle PACE business calendar. In addition, it chooses the historical benchmarks for each time frame within the report period and then chooses the correct business days for each benchmark, using the appropriate entity level business calendar, if available. Otherwise, if no entity level business calendar is available for the benchmark, the Query Tool uses the Eagle PACE business calendar to provide business days for that assignment’s time period. It then combines these historical benchmarks’ business days with the portfolios’ business days for the total range of business days.

Note that for View 3, a single date report; the date shown is the closest business day prior to the report end date, if the report end date is not a business day.

  • Use Benchmark History check box is selected and the Process Across Changes check box is cleared, the report’s benchmarks are the assignments as of the end date of the report time range. The Query Tool uses the entity level business calendar for each profile portfolio and benchmark, if available, to provide the business days. Otherwise it uses the Eagle PACE business calendar. The results reflect all the days.
  • Use Benchmark History check box is cleared and the Process Across Changes check box is either selected or cleared, the report uses the current day assignments for the entity and benchmarks. The Query Tool uses the entity level business calendar for each profile portfolio and benchmark, if available, to provide the business days. Otherwise it uses the Eagle PACE business calendar. It displays the combination of these days on the view's results.
  • The query returns results for all days with performance data committed in the selected date range within the given parameters of the report. This process does not use business calendars. It includes business days for both profile entities and benchmarks. You can use this option to help identify scenarios whether returns were committed in error to a particular day.