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The following include files contain most important elements around the code to implement the to implement Entity resolution logic:       Resolution logic can be found in /eagle_default/in/xml/include/entity_xref_resolution.incinc include file

Entity Resolution is the process of determining Entity Id can be determined by Entity Xreference Identifiers: sets of elements Xref Account Id + Xref Account Id Type elements.  The Class Class Code element can also be specified.

The maximum amount of identifiers is 20.

Entity Identifiers can be found have a separate section in the XSD called ‘Entity Common Id Model’ XSD Group.  Refer Refer to the Entity Common Id Model mapping for more details.

An example of Entity Xreference Identifiers in the incoming message:

Code Block

The Entity Xref element contains every Entity Identifier.  The Entity Xrefs element contains all Entity Xref elements.

The Entity Id is defined by entity xreference identifiers used Entity Xreference Identifiers using the RULESDBO.ENTITY_XREFERENCE DB table.


Entity Resolution Option

Entity Resolution Option can contain following values:

  • Find 1st Match

If this value does not equal MATCH_ALL or is not specified , then Find 1st Match mode is used.

If the Find 1st Match option is set, the switches Entity Resolution to work in one of the following modes:

  • Find 1st Match (default mode, if Entity Resolution Option is not set)
    In Find 1st Match mode Entity Id will be calculated by the first identifier specified in Batting Order


  • . If the Batting Order is null, the first entity identifier in incoming message will be used.


  • MATCH_ALL (if entityResolutionOption=MATCH_ALL)
    MATCH_ALL mode


  • resolves the entity


  • only if it matches ALL identifiers. If at least one identifier is not defined the entity id, the stream will return the following error: 'MATCH_ALL mode: failed. List of XREF Entity identifiers does not match for option MATCH_ALL

Entity Batting Order

The Entity Batting Order determines which entity xreference identifiers are used in the security resolution and their order for matching.

If the entity batting order is not specified in the incoming message, by default the order of entity identifier will be the same as in the incoming message.

Examples of SQL query if the Batting Order is specified.
