The report can be configured as either daily, monthly or quarterly. The frequency you choose in the report controls the frequency of the performance record created during the commit process. It does not restrict the returns that can be calculated within the report.Note: A
Info |
A report frequency of Daily results in a performance record with a PERF_FREQ_CODE of D (if Monthly, then PERF_FREQ_CODE = M; if Quarterly, then PERF_FREQ_CODE = Q). This is slightly different behavior from the Perf Calc report where the PERF_FREQ_CODE is derived during the commit process (based on the specified begin and end date). The MFP Commit report is a single date report (runs for a single date rather than for a start and end date). If the report is set to daily (monthly, quarterly), the PERF_FREQ_CODE always sets to D (M,Q) when the returns are committed. |
Entity Selector
The report uses entity history by default. The option can be turned off by clicking the options link in the entity selector box. Best practices include leaving entity history turned on. This assures that the historically relevant entity information is used during the calculation process.