Versions Compared


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WRITERS NOTE: review updated methods above. Uploaders still in use?

The Effective Date used by the Entity Build can be determined in a variety of ways depending on how it was submitted. Some examples follow:

  • You can manually select a single date from the Calendar Selector.
  • You can manually select a single date from a List of dates. The list displays all effective_dates that exist in the holdings database for the underlying entities of the entity being submitted.
  • You can manually select a Date Rule to run for the single date as configured in the rule.
  • You can manually select a Date Rule to run for the range of dates as configured in the rule. See "Running a Build for Date Ranges" on page 112.

About Entity Build Sources

There are a number of ways to specify sources for your composite and the underlying entities that are in the Composite. There is a main composite source that is stored on the ENTITY table for the Composite record. In general, this is the primary source for the composite and its underlying entities. The Fund source overrides the main composite source and allows you to build a composite with multiple sources. The Fund source can be found on the ENTITY_DETAIL_HIST table. The method in which you kick off the entity build further affects the way these sources interact.

When the entity build is Scheduled or run Adhoc for All Entities, or it is Uploader Driven, you see the results shown in the following table. The Comp A source drives the process when it is specified. Otherwise the Run source becomes the default.




Composite Source




Fund Source


Comp A




Port A




Port B




Comp B




Port A




Port B



Position records build for Comp A with Source Y (Comp Source)

Position records build for Comp B with Source X (Run Source)

For Comp A:

  • Finds Port A data using Source Y (Comp Source)
  • Finds Port B data using Source Z (Port Source)

For Comp B:

  • Finds Port A data using Source X (Run Source)
  • Finds Port B data using Source Z (Port Source)

When the entity build is Scheduled or run Adhoc for a specific entity or it manually submitted from the Entity Explorer, you see the results shown in the following table. The Comp A source never drives the process when it is specified. The Run source becomes the default.




Composite Source




Fund Source


Comp A




Port A




Port B




Comp B




Port A




Port B



Position records build for Comp A with Source Y (Run Source)

Position records build for Comp B with Source X (Run Source)

For Comp A:

  • Finds Port A data using Source Y (Run Source)
  • Finds Port B data using Source Z (Port Source)

For Comp B:

  • Finds Port A data using Source X (Run Source)
  • Finds Port B data using Source Z (Port Source)

Modify the Security Override Source

The system provides a script to modify the Inventory of Fields record for the following column:


The script modifies this record to make it an optional (that is, not required) field. This table was created initially as a required field. Users who choose to use this feature and would like this field to remain required can skip execution of this script during upgrades.

Run a Build for Date Ranges

An Entity Build can be submitted for a Single Date chosen from a calendar selector, a Single Date from using a Date Rule. However, the date was always for the Single Date as configured in the date rule. The system allows the Entity Build to be submitted for a range of dates as defined by the date rule. The Entity Build Submit window, accessible from the Entities module, allows users to pick an available Date Rule and determine if it will be submitted for the Single Date as configured in the rule or submitted for the Entire Date Range represented by the start and end dates of the rule.

An example of the Execute window used to submit the entity build for a date range follows. Image Removed
You can also schedule Entity Build events to run for a range of dates from the Maintain Events window as shown in the following figure.

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When an Entity Build is submitted for a date range, the Entity Build engine will submit the initial engine as the master (parent) process. This engine will evaluate the date rule and submit nnumber of child engine processes, one engine per date in the range for the entity submitted. The master engine will then monitor the child processes and will complete when all child builds have finished. Any dependent events defined will not run until the master process has completed.

All child Entity Build engines are linked to the parent Entity Build engine and can be seen in the Data Steward: Event Queue window. When you expand the parent event, as shown in the following figure, you can view the child engine events.
WRITERS NOTE: current location?
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How Entity Build Evaluates the Date Rule Range

The Entity Build evaluates the date range in one of two methods.

  • If the Date Rule does not use a Business Calendar, the date range will be the entire set of dates from the start date to the end date.
  • If the Date Rule uses a Business Calendar, the date range will be only those dates that have been flagged as a Daily, Month End, Quarter End, or Year End date.

The ability to evaluate a Date Rule in any PACE engine in order to process a range of dates is available. This logic in the Entity Build does not provide the ability to define a specific Business Calendar flag (that is, Month End) to use when submitting for a date range.

The Entity Build engine is not able to take into account each Entity's Inception Date when using the Fund Inception Date or Fund Fiscal dates configured in the Date Rule. The engine may submit for dates prior to the inception date, but no Holding data would exist for those dates and therefore the net result is that no build occurs for that entity.

Submit the Build for a Specified Log Level

The system allows you to submit the build for any log level. When you leave the log level as Default, the engine runs at the level configured at the PACE Server level. The following figure shows the Log Level option in the Execute window. Image Removed