Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Details of input parameter and its values in POST request payload and GET Request URL String of ‘adhocReport’ endpoint to extract and OLAP report data.

Input Parameter



Name of the Report.  As name indicates, report name should be provided in string format.


Single entity Id or multiple entity Id’s with comma (,) or tilde (~) as separator should be provided in string format.


Beginning date of the report should be provided in this particular format (YYYYMMDD).


End Date of the report should be provided in this particular format (YYYYMMDD).


  • Single field Id or multiple field Id’s with comma (,) or tilde (~) as separator should be provided in string format.
  • Fields related to entity or security characteristic should be given along with calculation or other performance fields.


  • Provide any one output format from the list JSON, JSON2, CSV, TSV, XLS, ERX to receive response in that particular format.
  • Any format apart from these given options will get you response in JSON2 format (default).
constituentsAndBenchmarkToCompositeProvide boolean value either true or false. This flag is applicable only for Composite Analysis report.
benchmartToPortfolioProvide boolean value either true or false. This flag is applicable for OLAP reports such as Performance Analysis, Positions and Entity And Client.
firstAlternateCurrencyProvide 3 letter predefined Currency code. For example, USD / CAD
secondAlternateCurrrencyProvide 3 letter predefined Currency code. For example, USD/CAD 
fetchPriorFXRatesProvide numeric value starting from 1 till 1000.





           "Comparison Index 4":"<Entity ID>",

              "Comparison Index 5": "<Entity ID>",

              "IsEntities": true


  • For another entity to override as benchmark to replace already configured benchmark.  Provide another entity Id as benchmark.
  • Provide a boolean value true in 'IsEntities' flag for another entity override.
  • Either another entity or another benchmark assignment is allowed.



              "Comparison Index 5": "Primary Comparison Index",

              "IsEntities": false


  • For another benchmark assignment to override. 
  • Provide another assignment name. Benchmark assignment name can be retrieved using 'benchmarkDefinitions' endpoint.
  • Provide a boolean value false in 'IsEntities' flag for another benchmark assignment.
  • Either another entity or another benchmark assignment is allowed.


Mandatory/Required parameters: reportName, beginDate, endDate, outputFormat
