Versions Compared


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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<system version="2.0">
<servers baseport="20000" server_type="1" starversion="Eagle_2017.2.21.0">
<cluster_servers no="1" address="" baseport="20000">
<server type="extractservice" offset="220" />
<cluster_servers no="2" address="" baseport="20000">
<server type="extractservice" offset="220" />
The installer will use the following list to configure the REDIS and Kafka Service clusters:,
7. If PACE Report Service should be also installed, set the MC2_INSTALL_PACEREPORTSERVICE variable to 1:
8. Run the script, passing the full path to the mc2 zip file as a parameter, for example:
./ /apps/eagle/estar/tpe/data/msgcenter/cmw_staging_folder/
The execution log will be printed to the process standard output. Errors, if any, will be printed out to the process standard error. You can redirect the output if a log file is needed.
The installer will return an exit code of 0 on success, and 1 on error. You can see the exit code with:
echo $?
9. The last 3 lines of the log should appear as below, otherwise an error has occurred
Configuration DONE!!!......
2020-04-17 15:47:37 finished mc2configurator.jar
2020-04-17 15:47:37 END   ./

Full example of commands to execute the installer:

export EAGLE_PATH_TO_ROOT=/apps/eagle
./ ./ > install_log.txt