Initially released to IWS Test on 20160914
Introduced New Context Menu Option for Text Wrapping
IWS was enhanced with a new context menu option for enabling text wrapping in the Script Editor. In addition, the issue with the 'Evaluate Expression' button not showing while working inside ResultOutputTranslation was resolved. These two features improve the overall ease of use of IWS.
This issue was tracked as Item #144406.
Updates to Lookup/Panel Data Query Template
The Lookup/Panel Data Query template generation logic was updated. Excluded output parameters are now generated in the content. Also, the Select All checkbox was added for input and output parameters of Data Query wizard forms.
This issue was tracked as Item #145204.
Software Fixes
Missing DB mapping for EagleML panel "Subscribe Redeem"
Some elements for the EagleML panel "Subscribe Recede" in the XPanels in tab "Extract Element Reduction" were not displaying the DB mapping. The code was updated to resolve this issue.
This issue was tracked as Item #144642.
Missing DB mapping for EagleML panel "Distribution activity"
Some elements for EagleML panel "Distribution activity" in XPanels in tab "Extract Element Reduction" were not displaying DB mappings. The code was updated to resolve this issue.
This issue was tracked as Item #144675.
Incorrect output message format issue
If your source file contained special characters in column name, in some cases those columns would be included in output event when not mapped. The code was updated to resolve this issue.
This issue was tracked as Item #145207.
ExecuteOn Missing for RaiseException
The Execute On property was missing for RaiseException object. To resole this issue, the Execute On property was added to the RaiseException property window. This allows you to set EXECUTEON attribute for all its generated MC functions and XML nodes.
This issue was tracked as Item #145282.
Incorrect object execution order issue When using global variables
When you used global variable names in your expression, IWS would always place code in the rule mapping order after the last global variable used. The code was updated to resolve this issue. The default object execution order can now be changed by removing connection.
This issue was tracked as Item #145283.