Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


This is done simply by typing the variable name (or comma-separated list of names) in the OutParams property of the source shape:

Example of Share Variables between Objects in a workflowImage RemovedExample of Share Variables between Objects in a workflowImage Added

Step 2. Instruct the target shape to receive this new variable as input.


EXPR#:param_TASK_ is a required prefix. [name_of_task] is the name of the task where shared variable was created (shared_var_test_1 in our example). And variableA is the original name of the shared variable.


There are three default variables generated by each shape: :TASK_[name_of_task]_STATUS:, :TASK_[name_of_task]_CORRID: and  :TASK_[name_of_task]_SEVERITYCODE: . Such variables do not require 'param_' prefix in front of them.


This step differs depending on the type of source shape.Expand  Expand corresponding link below to see specific details


titleIn case of transform translator (click to expand):

Step A:  Drop a Variable shape onto the worksheet. It represents the variable you are going to share. Drop a Call Include shape from the left panel in ADVANCED group and click the Browse button next to the File property in the right panel

Variable in Workflow

Step B: Drop a Call Include shape from the Advanced section of the toolbox, and type the following text in its File property:


File Properties screen

Or, click the "ellipsis" button to select the file from the open dialog.

Browse windowImage RemovedBrowse windowImage Added

Step C: Drop the Code shape from left panel in group ADVANCED after the variable box and set value of the Code shape as

Code Block
:CorrelationId: := SubString(:FILE_NAME:, Find(:FILE_NAME:, '-', 0, 2) + 1); :CorrelationId: := SubString(:CorrelationId:, 0, Find(:CorrelationId:, '_'));

Example of Shared Variables between Objects in Workflow

Step D: Drop a Call Include shape from the Advanced section of the toolbox, and type the following text in its File property:


Properties dialog

Or, click the "ellipsis" button to select the file from the open dialog.

Browse windowImage RemovedBrowse windowImage Added

Step E: Drop another Code shape and set its value as:


If you need to share more variables you can add them to the Code shape using variable_name;variable_value! syntax. For example, if we have another variable count to share, then the Code shape value will be as follows

Code Block
IF (find(:varTaskParams:, 'variableA;') = -1) then :varTaskParams: := :varTaskParams: + 'variableA;' + :variableA: + '!';

Step F: Drop the second Call Include shape and type or select  file ../eagle_ml-2-0_cm/

Browse window

after all these additions you should have something similar to this:

Example of Shared Variable between Objects in Workflow
