Versions Compared


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  1. Data Load Configuration. Configure upstream systems to provide the data defined previously in the Reporting Toolkit Generic Interfaces section.
    If you are using Eagle Performance to calculate some/all Performance returns, you do not need to load those portfolio returns going forward.
  2. Historic Data Load. After the upstream systems are configured to provide data, you need to load historical data. This might include performance data for the portfolio and benchmark, benchmark assignments, and FX Rates.
  3. Configure Business Calendar. The Eagle PACE (source 4) Business Calendar must be configured, as follows:
     - For every business day, select the Daily Flag ON (1).
     - For every Friday, select the Weekly Flag ON (1). Do not select the weekend dates here; this is only the last day of the week.
     - For every calendar month end, select the Monthly Flag ON (1). Do not select a non-calendar month end date as the month end.
     - For every calendar quarter end, select the Quarterly Flag ON (1). Do not select a non-calendar quarter end date as the quarter end.
     - For every calendar year end, select the Yearly Flag ON (1). Do not select a non-calendar year end date as the year end.
  4. Create Entity LISTs. If you have not done so already, you need to create LIST entities to manage equity and fixed income accounts. Create:
     - One LIST entity for all your equity accounts.
     - Another LIST entity for all your fixed income accounts.
     - These LIST entities can be dynamic or static.


To set up Data Mart for the Reporting Toolkit:1. Copy

  1. Copy Data Mart Models. Use the Copy Marts option to copy the following Data Mart Models in EAGLEMART to the Default Data Mart (DATAMARTDBO), or another Data Mart instance you created. The models to copy include:


  1.  Fund Summary


  1.  Performance Details


  1.  Security Details


  1.  Perf By Asset Class MTD


  1.  Perf By Currency MTD


  1.  Perf By Long Short MTD


  1.  Perf By Region/Country MTD


  1.  Perf By GICS Sector/IndustryGroup/Industry/SubIndustry MTD


  1.  Perf By Aggregate Bond L1/L2/L3/L4 MTD


  1.  Fund Hierarchy By Plan/Composite/Entity

The Performance Toolkit and Eagle Packaged Reports both include the Data Mart Models, Fund Summary and Security Details. If you previously copied those models when you configured the Packaged Reports, and the model already exists in the target instance, its extensions and fields appear in the Target Model section. If a model field is already in the target, you cannot copy it.


  1. Verify Model Filters and Mappings. Edit the models you copied to the Default Mart to confirm these options were set properly there. Edit the
  • Fund Summary model as follows. In the Fields tab, ensure the Total Level Performance Model is selected. In the Filters/Mappings tab, click Performance Report Options, and under Calculation & Display Level, ensure the Selected level to calculate attribution and display results down to option is set to Entity (Total) and the Limit results to the level selected above option is set to Limit Results.
  • Performance Details model as follows. In the Fields tab, ensure the Total Level Performance Model is selected. In the Filters/Mappings tab, click Performance Report Options, and under Calculation & Display Level, ensure the Selected level to calculate attribution and display results down to option is set to Security Level.
