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Needs Data Type/Desc info ??NG

Tag # - Tag NameRequired/OptionalReReData TypeValue/Description of Field
1432 - Asset ID TypeOPTIONALCHAR

Used to identify the type of primary asset id (i.e. cusip, isin, etc.).

14 - Asset IDREQUIREDCHARA unique identification number assigned by CUSIP, an inter-industry security coding service for each security.
961 - Issue NameOPTIONALCHARIssue name.
1439 - Pool NumberOPTIONALCHAR Linked to security master 'pool number'. 
68 - Issue DateOPTIONALDATE (99) The date a security was originally issued. 
38 - Maturity DateOPTIONALDATE (99)  The date the final principal payment on a debt instrument is due. 
11043 - Inactive Flag OPTIONALCHAR Used to identify whether a security is inactive. 
10 - Asset idREQUIREDCHAR  Asset identifier - internal number assigned to each asset. 
3931 - Processing Security Type OPTIONALCHAR identifies the processing security type that would be used in exception processing. 
963 - Remaining Balance WV OPTIONALDEC (2) Work variable, user defined.
964 - Principal Flow Payments WV OPTIONALDEC (2) Work variable, user defined. 
1109 - Effective Date REQUIREDDATE (99)  The effective date of the transaction
11757 - Original BalanceREQUIRED MONEYB (2) Short Dividend Income for the entity used in SEC Yield. 
11758 - Current BalanceREQUIREDMONEYB (2)  Short Dividend Income for class level used in SEC Yield. 
11759 - Effective Cash Flow Coupon OPTIONALDEC (6)The effective coupon rate used for the calculation of vendor calculated Interest component. 
11760 - Cash Flow TypeREQUIRED CHAR Cash flow type.
11761 - Requested Speed TypeREQUIRED CHAR Requested speed.
11762 Requested Speed Value OPTIONALDEC (6)The speed value of the vendor requested Speed Value. 
11763 - Flow DateREQUIRED DATE (99)The date of the interest or principal cash flow payment. 
11764 - Principal FlowREQUIRED  DEC (6) The Amount amount of total Principal principal expected on the cash flow date. 
11765 - Interest FlowREQUIRED  DEC (6)The amount of total Interest expected on the cash flow date. 
11766 - Total Principal and InterestOPTIONAL  DEC (6)The amount of total principal and Interest expected for the entire security on the cash flow date.
11767 - Remaining BalanceREQUIREDDEC (6) The amount of total principal remaining after the principal payment. 
1293 - Journal Entry TypeOPTIONAL  CHAR Journal entry type.
614 - Release StatusOPTIONAL  CHARThe release status of the SRM record. This should be either 1, 2, or 3.
1168 - Source Number OPTIONAL INTEGERThe number assigned to the source of the data. 
2303 - Effective Date From ScrubOPTIONAL  DATE (99)Effective date from scrub.
944 - Update SourceOPTIONAL  CHAR The source or userid of the entity that last updated the table. 
98 - Source SystemOPTIONAL  CHARCHARThe originating source system identifier. 
95 - PartitionOPTIONAL  INTEGERThe partition of a database where a position resides. 
55 - Event TypeOPTIONAL  CHARCHARThe business intent of the event. Used as the primary determinant in the accounting plan identification process.