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The following table lists the fields and field descriptions for the Process Revaluation of Positions and Open Lots panel.



Entity Parameters

Entity ID

Specifies the entity identifier for a portfolio, sector portfolio, composite portfolio, or Master Fund.

Entity Name

Specifies the entity by the name of the entity.

Accounting Basis

Specifies the accounting basis associated with data you want to revalue. This field appears only if you set the Generate For field to Specific Accounting Basis.

Process Center

Segregates entities into "n" amount of Process Center groups. Doing so allows you to allocate the STAR to PACE workload across multiple STAR engine instances. The STAR to PACE Direct functionality generates the individual request messages for each entity/accounting basis combination at a much faster rate using Process Centers. The global processes incorporate the ability to run by the entity Process Center election. This allows you to schedule STAR to PACE Direct runs by custom defined groups.

Note: Eagle recommends performing this process by Process Center especially if running it after the Roll Positions and Open Lots process.

Conversion Status

Specifies the conversion status. Global processes incorporate the ability to run by the entity Conversion Status election. This allows you to include/exclude STAR to PACE Direct runs by the status of the entity (if, for example, entities in a specific Conversion Status are not ready for STAR to PACE Direct).

Note: Eagle strongly recommends that you use this option or the Process Center option. Specify a conversion status only as part of the initial data conversion process. Do not use it for normal production processing.

Primary Asset ID

Specifies the primary asset identifier.

Issue Name

Specifies the issue name.


Specifies the ticker symbol for the security.


Specifies the database partition for the position. This value is automatically established by a lookup based on the specific entity.

Run Options

Generate For

Specifies the accounting basis associated with data to revalue. Options include:

  • Primary Accounting Basis Only (Default). Only revalues data for the primary accounting basis for the entity. This is the default value.
  • Specific Accounting Basis. Allows you to choose a specific accounting basis to roll. If you select this value, you must specify an Accounting Basis value in the Entity Parameters section.
  • Only Secondary Accounting Basis. Only revalues data for the secondary accounting basis for the entity.
  • All Accounting Bases. Revalues data for every accounting basis of the selected entities.

Position Valuation Election

Specifies the price used by S2P. Options include:

  • Default. Use the latest price available.
  • Valuation. Used by appropriate STAR valuation process.

Event Type

Displays the event type value SPD_VALUATION_CALCS.

Date Type

Specifies the date type to use when revaluing the positions. Options include:

  • Accounting Date. The system assigns the accounting date record a source of STARDIRECT (or one of the secondary accounting bases).
  • Month End Accounting Date. The system assigns the month end date record a source of MSTARDIRECT.
  • Settlement Date. The system assigns the settlement date record a source of SSTARDIRECT.
  • Trade Date. The system assigns the trade date record a source of TSTARDIRECT.
  • Post Date. The system assigns the trade date record a source of PSTARDIRECT.


Specifies the date on which to update the data. You can type the date or select it by clicking the calendar icon.

FX Date Switch

Indicates whether the process extracts the FX rate for the given accounting date or the most recent available FX rate. Options include:

  • Actual. Extracts the FX rate for the given accounting date.
  • Recent. Extracts the FX rate for the most recent available FX rate.

Price Date Switch

Indicates whether the process extracts the price for the given accounting date or the most recent available price. Options include:

  • Actual. Extracts the price for the given accounting date.
  • Recent. Extracts the most recent available price.