Access and Maintain Metadata Elements
From the Metadata Center, you can access and maintain the following metadata elements in the Metadata Maintenance window:
Field Attributes
Inventory of Tables
Join Information
Unique IDs
To access and maintain metadata elements:
From any Metadata Manager window, click Metadata Maintenance in the left navigation.
You see the Metadata Maintenance window with Field Attributes as the default.To access and maintain the field attributes, click Yes under the Do you see the Eagle logo? prompt.
To access and maintain the inventory of tables, click Inventory of Tables in the left navigation and click Yes under the Do you see the Eagle logo? prompt.
To access and maintain the join information, click Join Information in the left navigation and click Yes under the Do you see the Eagle logo? prompt.
To access and maintain unique IDs, click Unique IDs in the left navigation and click Yes under the Do you see the Eagle logo? prompt.
To return to the Metadata Manager, click Metadata Manager in the left navigation.