Level 1: | Level 2: | Level 3: | Level 4: |
Composite 1: |
| Composite 2: |
| Composite 4: |
| US Fund 1 |
| Composite 5: |
| US Fund 3 |
| Composite 6: |
| US Fund 1 |
| Composite 3: |
| Composite 7: |
| EU Fund 1 |
| Composite 8: |
| EU Fund 3 |
Set Up the Entity Hierarchy Function
Before using Entity Hierarchy functionality, you must complete the procedure explained in this section.
An internal code is added through the installation and upgrade scripts. The code has a short description of ELEVEL and a long description of IENTITY LEVEL. The code instance for this internal code is 10051.
First, you must create code values to reference the level number of each composite:
Create code values under the Eagle PACE source. The code values must reflect the appropriate level. The short description is the level number. The long description is a descriptive name. After creating the codes and code values, you create entity hierarchy fields as explained starting in step 2.
Return to General Reporting, and select Compose.
Select the report type you want to create.
From the Fields toolbox, select Entity Hierarchy Field.
You see the Entity Hierarchy Field dialog box.Complete the fields on the Entity Hierarchy Field dialog box as follows:
Name. Enter a unique name.
Comments. Enter a descriptive comment.
Hierarchy Level. Select a Branch, Country or Group hierarchy level. Codes values created in the Data Steward are available in this list.
Field Name. Select an Entity Field on which to base the Entity Hierarchy field.
Entity Hierarchy Fields
You create Entity Hierarchy fields based on entity fields from the Entity Table or on fields from the Entity Extension tables. You cannot create Entity Hierarchy fields based on fields from the Entity Characteristics table of the Rules database.
The Entity Hierarchy Custom fields can work with fields from the scrub tables, specifically, fields created on columns in the inventory of fields, from tables where the table was added to the inventory of tables with an indicator of ”e” is available.
The entity fields that appear in the Entity Hierarchy Field dialog box are those entity fields that were made available to that report type. Therefore, you might see certain fields while creating an entity hierarchy field for a position single period report that you would not see when creating an entity hierarchy field for a trades multi period report. Using the example above, an entity hierarchy field could be created using the Entity field of Entity ID, and assigning the hierarchy level of one.
You can use Entity Hierarchy fields in a field rule, although they lose much of their meaning in this position.
You must create rollup fields of the field attributes in the field rule to see data for the composites at the top level. In the option Choose Entities and Dates, select Enumerate Composites.
You can run the report for the lowest or highest level of the hierarchy. The data returned is based on which entities the report is run. If you run the report for a portfolio, and the entity hierarchy fields are included in the report, then that entity hierarchy relationship is displayed in the result set.
Hierarchy Assumptions
If a fund (portfolio) is held by more than one composite, the data for the fund is duplicated for each relationship it has with other entities. For example, if US Fund 1 belonged to both US Equities and US Balanced the data for US Fund 1 would be displayed twice in the report.
The level numbers are relative to the funds for which the report is being run. In the Entity Hierarchy Grouping example above, if a report is run for US Branch and composites are enumerated, then the report is run for US Fund 1, US Fund 2, US Fund 3 and US Fund 4.
If a relationship chain has funds that are not in the list of funds used to run the report, then those relationship chains would be filtered out and not displayed in the report. In the Entity Hierarchy Grouping example above, if the report is run for US Equities, which contains US Fund 1, then the report does not display US Balanced, although US Fund 1 does also belong to US Balanced.
If relationship information does not exist on a particular level, then the relationship information is labeled Unknown. This functionality does not support fetching details from the Entity Details table, such as percent of ownership and is intended only for composites. Entity hierarchy fields are used as the grouping rule. The option Enumerate Composites is selected.
Hierarchy Scenarios
The following table contains an example of hierarchy Entity IDs.
Level 1: Country | Level 2: Branch | Level 3: Group | Portfolio Level: |
Composite 1: EPDC1 |
| Composite 2: EPDB1 |
| Composite 4: EPDG1 |
| Portfolio 1: |
| Composite 5: |
| Portfolio 3: |
| Composite 3: EPDB2 |
| Composite 6: EPDG3 |
| Portfolio 5: |