The following describes how data quality rules enumerate based on the type of entity that is saved in the rule.
List of Portfolios. The Data Quality Monitor enumerates the list down one level to the member portfolios. Data quality validations run for positions and cash for each member portfolio. Each row in the heat map results represents a validation result for a member portfolio. The List/Composite column displays the list and the Fund column displays the member portfolio.
List of Performance Composites. If your data quality rule is set up using a list of performance composites as the entity then that list enumerates that list for running the validation rules. The Data Quality Monitor runs the validations for each performance composite in the list and returns results in the heat map. The List/Composite column displays the list entity and the Fund column displays each performance composite in the list. The validation is not run at the constituent level for the performance composite.
Performance Composite. For data quality rules set up for a single performance composite the Data Quality Monitor runs the validations for positions, cash, and other parameters for the performance composite itself. Each row in the heat map represents a validation result for the composite. The List/Composite column will be blank and the Fund column displays the performance composite.
Composite of Portfolios. The Data Quality Monitor will treat a composite of portfolios the same as a performance composite mentioned above. Composites are not enumerated by the Data Quality Monitor.
Composite of Performance Composites. The Data Quality Monitor treats a composite of performance composites the same as a performance composite described above.