Portfolio Data Center enables you to make future-dated changes to core characteristics of an entity/fund. Future-dated changes do not affect the current status of an entity.
The user would navigate to the entity details and create a new history record for the future change date by copying the most recent history record. Once the future dated record exists, the user would override the ‘name’ field (on the future dated definition) and submit for processing. Alternately, a file based upload process is used to insert a record for the new definition of the entity (into the entity history tables) as of the future effective date of the change.
Behind the scenes
The system processes future-dated changes and passes them through the validation process to determine if the requested changes trigger an exception or pending authorization. The system also recognizes when edits are future-dated and does not update the current definition of the fund. When the processing date reaches the date of the future-dated changes, PDC applies the edits to the current definition for that entity.