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The JMS Connection is configured by adding a JMS Connection configuration JSON file in the estar/tpe/dynamic/mc2/eaglejms/connections folder. The samples below show how to configure the JMS connections to ActiveMQ and WebSphere MQ servers. For a more detailed description see #JMS Messaging.

To Configure an ActiveMQ Connection:

  1. If there is no ActiveMQ connection already configured, add a new file estar/tpe/dynamic/mc2/eaglejms/connections/extract_jms_connection.json with the following content:

    Code Block
    titleSample ActiveMQ Configuration
      "Region": "oraclesid", /*Database name (Oracle SID) on which the Extract Service is running */    
      "Connections": [        
            "ConnectionName": "extract.jms.connection",
            "ComponentName": "amq",
            "Parameters": {
               "brokerURL": "tcp://activemqhostname:activemqport"            

  2. Change the Region parameter to match the oracle SID the Eagle Extract Service is running with.
  3. Change the brokerURL with the specific ActiveMQ instance parameters. The ActiveMQ hostname and port number should be provided by the ActiveMQ broker administrators.

Configure a WebSphere MQ Connection

To configure a websphere MQ Connection: 

  1. If there is no WebSphere MQ Connection already configured, add a new file estar/tpe/dynamic/mc2/eaglejms/connections/extract_jms_connection_wmq.json with the following content:

    Code Block
    titleSample WebSphere MQ Connection Configuration
        "Region": "oraclesid", /*Database name (Oracle SID) on which the Extract Service is running */
        "Connections": [
                "ConnectionName": "extract.jms.connection", /* connection name */
                "ComponentName": "wmq", /* name of component */
                "Parameters": {
                    "transportType": 1, /* sets the transport type */
                    "port": 1414,       /* sets the port for a client connection */
                    "channel": "DEV.APP.SVRCONN",  /* sets the name of the channel - applies to client transport mode only */
                    "queueManager": "QM1", /* sets the name of the queue manager */
                    "HostName": "WebSphere MQ host name"  /* Sets the name of the host (or IP) */
                ,   "CCSID": 1   /* optional: sets the character set to be used when connecting to the queue manager */
                ,   "clientReconnectTimeout": 10 /* optional: set the amount of time, in seconds, that a client connection will attempt to reconnect */
                "UseConnectionPool": true,  /* optional */
                "SessionCacheSize":  50    /* optional: size of connection pool */

Change the following parameters:

  1. Set Region to the Oracle SID running the Eagle Extract Service.
  2. Set port to the WebSphere MQ port number.
  3. Set channel to the channel name on the WebSphere MQ.
  4. Set queueManager  to the name of the Queue Manager.
  5. Set HostName to the host name or IP address of the Queue Manager.

In order to use WebSphere MQ, install the WebSphere MQ Client with Java classes.
